WebSphere Commerce database table: AUTOBIDLOG
This table tracks changes made to an autobid. An autobid is written to the AUTOBIDLOG table before it is changed in the AUTOBID table.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description AUTOBID_ID BIGINT NOT NULL ID of autobid that was changed. ACTIONTIME TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Date and time of the change to the autobid. ACTIONTYPE INTEGER Type of change made to the autobid. AUCPAYINFO_ID BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use. OWNER_ID BIGINT ID of the user submitting the autobid. STORE_ID INTEGER The ID of the store conducting the auction. ADMIN_ID BIGINT ID of the administrator who retracted the autobid. ACTIONMSG VARCHAR(254) Description of the change to the autobid. REFCODE CHAR(36) Reference code. A unique code that identifies the auction. AUCT_ID BIGINT Auction ID of the auction that the autobid is based on. ABQUANT DOUBLE Autobid quantity. PAYTYPE CHAR(64) Payment type. Valid values are as follows:
- MC=MasterCard
- VS=Visa
- DS=Discover
- AM=American Express
- DC=Diners Club
- BK=other bank card
ENCRYPT INTEGER Indicates if the credit card number is encrypted or not. Valid values are as follows:
- 0=not encrypted
- 1=encrypted
DEVICE VARCHAR(64) The credit card number used for this autobid. EXPDATE TIMESTAMP Expiration date of the credit card. QUANTSCALE INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. MAXBIDLIMIT DECIMAL (20,5) The maximum bid amount. ABSTATUS CHAR(4) Autobid status. Valid values are as follows:
- A=active bid
- R=bid retracted by customer
- D=bid deleted by administrator
WINOPT CHAR(4) Indicates if bidder will accept a partial quantity. Valid values are as follows:
- A=bidder will only accept full quantity
- P=bidder will accept a partial quantity
ABTIME TIMESTAMP Autobid date and time. LASTBID_ID BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use. BID_ID BIGINT Bid ID generated for the autobid. BKNAME VARCHAR(254) Bank name associated with credit card number in DEVICE column. SHIPTO_ID BIGINT The shipping address specified by the user submitting the bid. SHIPMODE INTEGER The shipping mode specified by the user submitting the bid. BIDMSG VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use. MSGFLAG INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. STARTTIME TIMESTAMP Reserved for IBM internal use. ENDTIME TIMESTAMP Reserved for IBM internal use. ABFIELD1 BIGINT Customizable. ABFIELD2 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. ABFIELD3 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. BILLADDR BIGINT The billing address specified by the user submitting the bid. INITBIDVAL DECIMAL (20,5) Initial bid value. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL060903235129260 AUTOBID_ID+ACTIONTIME Primary Key I0000470 ADMIN_ID Non-Unique Index I0000471 OWNER_ID Non-Unique Index I0000472 STORE_ID Non-Unique Index Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_102 AUCPAYINFO_ID AUCPAYINFO AUCPAYINFO_ID Cascade F_104 OWNER_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_105 ADMIN_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_103 STORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade