WebSphere Commerce database table: AUCTION
This table contains the information required for each auction, such as catalog entry (item), closing rules, pricing rules, deposit amount, and bid rules.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description AUCT_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Unique key to identify the auction. REFCODE CHAR(36) NOT NULL Reference code. A unique code that identifies the auction. AUCPAYINFO_ID BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use. OWNER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Reserved for IBM internal use. CATENTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL CatalogEntry ID. The ID of the item on auction. ADMIN_ID BIGINT Administrator ID. The ID of the administrator that created or modified the auction. The logon ID for the user is used as the administrator ID when an auction is created. FFMCENTER_ID INTEGER Fulfillment center ID. The ID of the fulfillment center that will provide the inventory for the auction. AUTYPE CHAR(4) NOT NULL Auction type. Valid values are as follows:
- O=open cry
- SB=sealed bid
- D=dutch
AUSTATUS CHAR(4) NOT NULL The status of the auction. AUQUANT DOUBLE NOT NULL The total quantity of items up for auction BIDRULE_ID BIGINT Bid rule ID. The ID of the bid rule used for this auction. QUANTSCALE INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. RESRVPRICE DECIMAL (20,5) Reserve price. Bids below the reserve price will be ignored when winning bids are determined. OPENPRICE DECIMAL (20,5) Opening price. CURRPRICE DECIMAL (20,5) Current price. Used in Dutch auctions. CURRQUANT DOUBLE Current quantity. Used by Dutch auctions to track the quantity available. This quantity is reduced by each winning bid. CLOSEPR CHAR(4) Closing price rule. Valid values: D=discriminative, ND=non-discriminative. CURRENCY CHAR(4) Auction currency. All bids must be in this currency. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards. PAYMETHODS CHAR(254) Allowable payment methods. CLOSETYPE INTEGER Auction closing rule. Valid values are as follows:
- 1=at a fixed end time
- 2=if a specified amount of time has elapsed since the last bid
- 3=based on logical OR 1 and 2
- 4=based on logical AND 1 and 2
RULEPAGE VARCHAR(254) Rule page. The name of the JSP file that will be used to display the auction rules. STARTTIME TIMESTAMP Start date and time. ENDTIME TIMESTAMP Ending date and time for the auction. REALENDTIME TIMESTAMP Ending date and time. DURATION TIMESTAMP Auction duration in time. DEPOSIT DECIMAL (20,5) Deposit amount required for this auction. BESTBID_ID BIGINT Best bid ID. The ID of the current lowest winning bid. HIGHBID_ID BIGINT The ID of the bid with the highest price. LOCKFLAG INTEGER Lock flag. Valid values: 0=unlocked, 1=locked. UPDATETIME TIMESTAMP Update date and time. LASTBKTIME TIMESTAMP Updated when best bid is calculated by way of schedule task. PRECEDENCE INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD1 BIGINT Customizable. FIELD2 BIGINT Customizable. RETRACT_BID INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD3 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. FIELD4 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. FIELD5 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. MBRGRP_ID BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD6 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. SUPPLIER_ID BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use. DURDAYS INTEGER Auction duration in days. REFPRICE DECIMAL (20,5) Reserved for IBM internal use. STATE INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. INVRSRVID BIGINT Inventory reservation ID. AUCMODE CHAR(4) Reserved for IBM internal use. PRICELIMIT DECIMAL (20,5) Reserved for IBM internal use. QUANTLIMIT DOUBLE Reserved for IBM internal use. DURLENGTH INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000022 REFCODE Unique Index SQL060903235128500 AUCT_ID Primary Key I0000023 ENDTIME Non-Unique Index I0000024 REFPRICE Non-Unique Index I0000025 STATE Non-Unique Index I0000026 AUTYPE Non-Unique Index I0000027 AUSTATUS Non-Unique Index I0000028 LOCKFLAG Non-Unique Index I0000029 UPDATETIME Non-Unique Index I0000030 LASTBKTIME Non-Unique Index I0000031 STARTTIME Non-Unique Index I0000455 BIDRULE_ID Non-Unique Index I0000456 ADMIN_ID Non-Unique Index I0000457 OWNER_ID Non-Unique Index I0000458 FFMCENTER_ID Non-Unique Index I0000459 CATENTRY_ID Non-Unique Index I0000460 MBRGRP_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_80 AUCPAYINFO_ID AUCPAYINFO AUCPAYINFO_ID Cascade F_83 CATENTRY_ID CATENTRY CATENTRY_ID Cascade F_81 BIDRULE_ID CONTRLRULE RULE_ID Cascade F_84 FFMCENTER_ID FFMCENTER FFMCENTER_ID Cascade F_82 MBRGRP_ID MBRGRP MBRGRP_ID Cascade F_85 OWNER_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_86 ADMIN_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade Related reference
Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_78 AUCT_ID AUCTDESC AUCT_ID Cascade F_92 AUCT_ID AUCTSTRREL AUCT_ID Cascade F_98 AUCT_ID AUTOBID AUCT_ID Cascade F_112 AUCT_ID BID AUCT_ID Cascade F_457 AUCT_ID MEMBRAUCT AUCT_ID Cascade