Displaying store-catalog assets
After associating a catalog, catalog groups, and catalog entries to a store, assign JSP templates to display your catalog entries and catalog groups by creating these relationships in the database. Create these relationships in the format of XML files that can be loaded into the database using the loading utilities
- Before you can create store-catalog relationships, ensure that you have created the store data assets.
- In order to display your catalog groups (categories) in your store, assign JSP templates to your catalog groups. You can assign a particular display page template to a catalog group or a default template to display all catalog groups. Using the following example as your guide, assign catalog group templates by adding information to the
DISPCGPREL table. Complete this task for each template you want to assign to your catalog groups:<dispcgprel catgroup_id="0" devicefmt_id="-1" dispcgprel_id="@dispcgprel_id_1" mbrgrp_id="0" pagename="ShoppingArea/CatalogSection/CategorySubsection/CategoriesDisplay.jsp" storeent_id="@storeent_id_1" rank="0" />There is a sequence field called RANK in the
DISPCGPREL table that will determine which view will be chosen if there are multiple views that satisfy the criteria for display.
- To display your catalog entries (products, items, packages, static kits, bundles, and dynamic kits) in your store, assign JSP templates to your catalog entries. You can assign a default template to display all catalog entries, or a default to display each type of catalog entry, for example, a template for products and another template for items, or a specific template for a specific catalog entry. Using the following example as your guide, assign templates by adding information to the
DISPENTREL table. Complete this task for each template you want to assign to your catalog entries:<dispentrel auctionstate="0" catentry_id="0" catenttype_id="PackageBean" devicefmt_id="-1" dispentrel_id="@dispentrel_id_4" mbrgrp_id="0" pagename="ShoppingArea/CatalogSection/CatalogEntrySubsection/PackageDisplay.jsp" storeent_id="@storeent_id_1" rank="0" />There is a sequence field called RANK in the
DISPENTREL table that will determine which view will be chosen if there are multiple views that satisfy the criteria for display.
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