Language-dependant bootstrap file

wcs.bootstrap_en_US.xml is an example of one of the language-dependant XML files that populate the database tables with information. Description fields are translated in the language dependant files, and can be viewed within each file. Each language dependant bootstrap file contains different descriptions depending on the selected language.

The types of information and the database tables populated by wcs.bootstrap_en_US.xml include the following:

Database Table Type of Information Code Sample

Populates the default calculation usages, such as discounts, shipping, sales tax, shipping tax, and coupons.
<calusage calusage_id="-1" 
description="Discount" />

Populates the different device types in the runtime code which are browsers, I_MODE, e-mail, MQXML, and MQNC.
displayname="Http browser" />

Populates the different messages, such as an auction message.
<msgtypes msgtype_id="13" msgtdir="1" 
description="Auct message description" />

Populates the names and descriptions of the default roles.
<role role_id="-7" 
name="Store Developer" 
description="" />

Populates the address information of the default organization.
<address address_id="-2000" 
member_id="-2000" addrbook_id="-2000" 
status="P" isprimary="1" 
nickname="Default Organization" 
selfaddress="1" />

IBM recommends that you do not modify any of the bootstrap files. If modified, an instance may not be created successfully and this could result in a major support issue.

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