Offers data model -- long description

The diagram shows the relationship between the tables in the Offers data model.

A table may be one of three types:

  1. An independent entity. Instances of an independent entity can be uniquely identified without determining its relationship to other entities. The primary key to an instance of an independent entity does not contain any foreign keys.

  2. A strong dependent entity. Instances of a strong dependent entity cannot be uniquely identified without determining its relationship to other entities. The primary key to an instance of a strong dependent entity contains foreign keys, but does not consist entirely of foreign keys.

  3. A weak dependent entity. Instances of a weak dependent entity cannot be uniquely identified without determining its relationship to other entities. The primary key to an instance of a weak dependent entity consists entirely of foreign keys.

Each table in the model is related to the other tables. The references from the main table to the other tables in the model are described in the following list.

QTYUNIT independent

ORDIOFFER dependent

OFFER (Main table of this data model.) independent

ORDERITEMS independent

OFFERPRICE dependent

SETCURR independent

OFFERDESC dependent

LANGUAGE independent

TRADEPOSCN independent

CATENTRY independent

MEMBER independent

MGPTRDPSCN dependent

STORE independent

MBRGRP independent

STOREMBRGP dependent