ATP inventory information model diagram description
The ATP inventory information model diagram describes the relationships between the following objects:
- StoreEntity
- The StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean has one and only one owner, Member Enterprise Java bean. StoreEntity has an association to CatalogEntry Enterprise Java bean.
- FulfillmentCenter
- The FulfillmentCenter Enterprise Java bean has one and only one owner, which is Member Enterprise Java bean.
- StoreItemFulfillmentCenter
- The StoreItemFulfillmentCenter Enterprise Java bean is associated with one and only one FulfillmentCenter Enterprise Java bean, one and only one BaseItem Enterprise Java bean, and one and only one StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean.
- StoreItem
- The StoreItem Enterprise Java bean is associated with one and only one StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean and one and only one BaseItem Enterprise Java bean.
- BaseItem
- The BaseItem Enterprise Java bean has one and only one owner, Member Enterprise Java bean.
- ItemSpecification
- The ItemSpecification Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to BaseItem Enterprise Java bean.
- Item
- The Item Enterprise Java bean is associated with zero or one ItemSpecification Enterprise Java beans.
- Product
- The Product Enterprise Java bean is associated with zero or one BaseItem Enterprise Java beans. In addition, Product Enterprise Java bean, along with Item Enterpise Java bean, is associated with CatalogEntry Enterprise Java bean.
- DistributionArrangement
- The DistributionArrangement Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to StoreEnterprise Java bean. DistributionArrangement is associated with one and only one BaseItem Enterprise Java bean.
- CatalogEntry
- The CatalogEntry Enterprise Java bean is associated with StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean.
- Store
- The Store Enterprise Java bean is associated with StoreEntity Enterprise Java bean.