Contract and account assets information model diagram description

This diagram shows the relationship between the Contact object and the following objects:


A TradingAgreement Enterprise Java bean is associated with one, and only one, Contract. If the contract is a deployed contract, a TradingAgreement is associated with zero or one Contract.


A TradingAgreementType object is associated with one, and only one, Contract. A Contract may have many TradingAgreementType objects.


A TermCondition Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to one, and only one, TradingAgreement. A TradingAgreement may have many TermCondition objects. A TermCondition is also associated with one or more a Business Policies.


A TermConditionSubType object is associated with one, and only one, TermCondition. A TermCondition object may have many TermConditionSubType objects.


A TermConditionType object is associated to one, and only one, TermConditionSubType object.


An OrderItem Enterprise Java bean is associated with zero or one TradingAgreements. An Order Item is also associated with zero or one TermConditions.


An Attachment Enterprise Java bean is associated with one, and only one, TradingAgreement.


An AttachmentUsage object has a composite association to zero or one Attachment. An Attachment may have many AttachmentUsage objects.


A Participant Enterprise Java bean is associated with one, and only one, ParticipantRole.


A ParticipantRole object is associated with one, and only one, Participant object.


An Account Enterprise Java bean is associated with zero or one Store.


A Store Enterprise Java bean is associated with one or more Contracts; the Contract can be the default contract. A Store can be generalized as a StoreEntity.


A StoreEntity has a composite association to one, and only one, BusinessPolicy.


A BusinessPolicy Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to one, and only one, StoreEntity. A StoreEntity may have many BusinessPolicies.


A PolicyType object has a composite association to one, and only one, BusinessPolicy and PolicyTypeCmdInterface object.


A PolicyTypeCmdInterface object has a composite association to one, and only one, PolicyType. A PolicyType object may have many PolicyTypeCmdInterface objects.


A PolicyCommand Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to one, and only one, BusinessPolicy. A BusinessPolicy may have many PolicyCommands.