Contract and account assets information model diagram description
This diagram shows the relationship between the Contact object and the following objects:
- TradingAgreement
- A TradingAgreement Enterprise Java bean is associated with one, and only one, Contract. If the contract is a deployed contract, a TradingAgreement is associated with zero or one Contract.
- TradingAgreementType
- A TradingAgreementType object is associated with one, and only one, Contract. A Contract may have many TradingAgreementType objects.
- TermCondition
- A TermCondition Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to one, and only one, TradingAgreement. A TradingAgreement may have many TermCondition objects. A TermCondition is also associated with one or more a Business Policies.
- TermConditionSubType
- A TermConditionSubType object is associated with one, and only one, TermCondition. A TermCondition object may have many TermConditionSubType objects.
- TermConditionType
- A TermConditionType object is associated to one, and only one, TermConditionSubType object.
- OderItem
- An OrderItem Enterprise Java bean is associated with zero or one TradingAgreements. An Order Item is also associated with zero or one TermConditions.
- Attachment
- An Attachment Enterprise Java bean is associated with one, and only one, TradingAgreement.
- AttachmentUsage
- An AttachmentUsage object has a composite association to zero or one Attachment. An Attachment may have many AttachmentUsage objects.
- Participant
- A Participant Enterprise Java bean is associated with one, and only one, ParticipantRole.
- ParticipantRole
- A ParticipantRole object is associated with one, and only one, Participant object.
- Account
- An Account Enterprise Java bean is associated with zero or one Store.
- Store
- A Store Enterprise Java bean is associated with one or more Contracts; the Contract can be the default contract. A Store can be generalized as a StoreEntity.
- StoreEntity
- A StoreEntity has a composite association to one, and only one, BusinessPolicy.
- BusinessPolicy
- A BusinessPolicy Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to one, and only one, StoreEntity. A StoreEntity may have many BusinessPolicies.
- PolicyType
- A PolicyType object has a composite association to one, and only one, BusinessPolicy and PolicyTypeCmdInterface object.
- PolicyTypeCmdInterface
- A PolicyTypeCmdInterface object has a composite association to one, and only one, PolicyType. A PolicyType object may have many PolicyTypeCmdInterface objects.
- PolicyCommand
- A PolicyCommand Enterprise Java bean has a composite association to one, and only one, BusinessPolicy. A BusinessPolicy may have many PolicyCommands.