Order quotation relationships

The following diagram describes order quotation relationships.



An order quotation relationship (OrderQuotationRel) is a relationship between a parent shopping cart order and a child quotation-related order. In the B2B indirect (demand) business model, where selling is done through channels, channel area shoppers can use a shopping cart to obtain price quotations, from multiple stores, for products or services, select quantities from the resulting quotations, and submit orders to the stores that provided the quotations. Order quotation relationships indicate the store and contract (trading agreement) from which the quotation was requested.

A parent shopping cart can have the following types of child quotation-related orders for each quotation store and contract pair: an initial quotation, a current quotation selection, a final quotation, and one or more submitted orders.


The child order of an InitialOrderQuotationRel represents the initial quotation received for items in a parent shopping cart order. An initial quotation can include alternative and related products not explicitly mentioned in the parent order.


The child order for an OrderQuotationSelectionRel represents the items, and their quantities, currently selected from the initial or final quotation. An OrderQuotationSelectionRel child order can be submitted to its store for processing.


The child order for a FinalOrderQuotationRel represents the final quotation received for items in a selection order. A final quotation provides prices and quantities for only the items in the selection order when the request for a final quotation was sent.


The child order of an OrderQuotationSubmissionRel represents a submitted order. When a selection order is submitted, its OrderQuotationSelectionRel object is changed to be an OrderQuotationSubmissionRel object.