B2B direct information model

B2B direct, one of the predefined business models in WebSphere Commerce, supports commerce transactions involving products, services, or information between two businesses or parties. Typical B2B direct transactions occur between buyers, suppliers, manufacturers, resellers, distributors, and trading partners.

The following diagram shows a UML representation of the B2B direct information model.

Root Organization

All organizations in the business become descendents of the root organization. The site administrators who maintain the site, are owned by the root.

Default Organization

Customers who do not register as part of a buyer organization, but as individuals, belong to the default organization.

Seller Organization Container

A Seller organization container holds any number of seller organizations. By having stores under different seller organizations, you have more flexibility in terms of access control for customers as well as administrators.

Seller Organization

A seller organization is created to own all the organizations that own stores. The administrators who maintain the store's functions (for example customer service representatives, catalog and product managers) are termed seller administrators and belong directly to the seller organization.

Customer Facing Store

The storefront from which customers shop.

Buyer Organization

Customers, known in B2B direct businesses as buyers, are represented by a buyer organization in the B2B organization structure. Individual users who belong to buyer organizations, must register under their respective organization.

Related concepts

Related reference