Add a merchandising association type to the database

By default, WebSphere Commerce displays four merchandising association types: cross-sell, up-sell, accessory and replacement. You can create your own merchandising association types, based on your business needs.

To add a merchandising association type by manually inserting information into the database:

  1. Connect to the database.

  2. Run the following command:
    insert into massoctype (massoctype_id, description) values ('yourCustomMAType', 'yourCustomMATypeDescription')
    where yourCustomMAType is the merchandising association type and yourCustomMATypeDescription is the custom merchandising association type description.
    For example, to insert a merchandising association called down-sell, run the following command: insert into massoctype (massoctype_id, description) values ('Down-sell', 'Suggest a similar lower-priced product.')

  3. The new merchandising association displays the next time you load the Merchandising Association page in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  4. (Optional) Add translations of the new custom merchandising association type.

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