Tutorial: Customizing Web services and WebSphere Portal to support a new search > < Previous | Next >


Create a JSP Snippet to display the price search fields

This section refers to creating a JSP Snippet to display the price search fields.This is an image of the file structure which should have been added to your WebSphere Portal development environment after completing this step:

In the project explorer view of WebSphere Portal development environment.

  1. Expand WebContent/jsp/html/

  2. Right-click the html folder and select New > Folder.

  3. Type the folder name TutorialPriceSearch and click Finish.

  4. Open your new TutorialPriceSearch folder (by double clicking on it). Right-click the title and select New > File.

  5. In the New File dialog enter the name PriceSearch.jsp. Then click Finish.

  6. Open PriceSearch.jsp and click the Source tab. Insert the code below to add the price range fields and the search button
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
            function filterNonNumeric(field) {
                    var result = new String();
                    var numbers = ".0123456789";
                    var chars = field.value.split(""); // create array 
                    for (i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
                            if (numbers.indexOf(chars[i]) != -1) result
    += chars[i];
                    if (field.value != result) field.value = result;
            function SubmitPriceSearch(form)
                    form.action = "<c:out
    value="${PriceSearchDisplayURL}" escapeXml="false" />";
    <td><input name="minPrice"
    value="<c:out value="${param.minPrice}" />" type="text"
    size=10 onKeyUp="filterNonNumeric(this)" /></td>
    <td><input name="maxPrice"
    value="<c:out value="${param.maxPrice}" />" type="text"
    size=10 onKeyUp="filterNonNumeric(this)" /></td>
    src="<wcp:encodeURL url="images/search.gif" remote="false"
    escapeStore="true" />"
    alt="<fmt:message key="Search.label"/>" width="16"

  7. Save the PriceSearch.jsp file.

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