Tag: defineObjects

The defineObjects tag defines the following objects in the JSP page:

  1. renderContext - a java.util.Map of render context name and values.

  2. businessContext - a java.util.Map of business context name and values.

Tag Information
Body Content empty
Display Name Define objects

No Attributes Defined.

Name Type Declare Scope Description
renderContext java.util.Map true NESTED Render context map. The render context is a Map of name-value pairs that are stored with the session and are used to render the page.
businessContext java.util.Map true NESTED Business context map. The business context is a Map of name-value pairs that are used when WebSphere Commerce services are invoked.



The following example is the only way that the defineObjects tag can be used. It adds the businessContext and renderContext variables to the page.


Related Reference

WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library