Get catalog details by catalog ID
This service, getCatalogDetailsByID, returns catalog details by the catalog ID (the reference number of the catalog). A list of all catalogs returns if you pass in multiple catalog IDs. Catalog details include:
- identifier
- name
- thumbnail image
- full image name
- short description
- long description
Request BOD GetCatalog business object document (BOD). Search expression {_wcf.ap=WC_CatalogDetailsProfile}/Catalog[CatalogIdentifier[(UniqueID='$catalogId$')]] The access profile, WC_CatalogDetailsProfile, controls which information is returned. Schema Catalog-DataObjects/xsd/OAGIS/9.0/Overlays/IBM/Commerce/BODs/GetCatalog.xsd Service data object
Sample request BOD
<_cat:GetCatalog xmlns:_cat="" xmlns:_wcf="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:xsi=""> <oa:ApplicationArea xsi:type="_wcf:ApplicationAreaType"> <oa:CreationDateTime> 2007-01-25T14:00:33.225Z </oa:CreationDateTime> <oa:BODID>551d6520-aca6-11db-b982-832d45b8fe51</oa:BODID> <_wcf:BusinessContext> <_wcf:ContextData name="storeId">10001</_wcf:ContextData> <_wcf:ContextData name="catalogId">10001</_wcf:ContextData> </_wcf:BusinessContext> </oa:ApplicationArea> <_cat:DataArea> <oa:Get> <oa:Expression expressionLanguage="wcf:XPath"> {_wcf.ap=WC_CatalogDetailsProfile}/Catalog[CatalogIdentifier[(UniqueID='10001')]] </oa:Expression> </oa:Get> </_cat:DataArea> </_cat:GetCatalog>
Response BOD ShowCatalog Schema /Catalog-DataObjects/xsd/OAGIS/9.0/Overlays/IBM/Commerce/BODs/ShowCatalog.xsd Service data object The response contains the following information:
/Catalog/@primary /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/UniqueID /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID /Catalog/CatalogIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/Identifier /Catalog/CatalogDescription/@language /Catalog/CatalogDescription/Name /Catalog/CatalogDescription/ThumbNail /Catalog/CatalogDescription/FullImage /Catalog/CatalogDescription/ShortDescription /Catalog/CatalogDescription/LongDescription
Sample response BOD
<_cat:ShowCatalog xmlns:Oagis9="" xmlns:_cat="" xmlns:_wcf="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Oagis9:ApplicationArea xsi:type="_wcf:ApplicationAreaType"> <Oagis9:CreationDateTime> 2007-01-25T14:00:34.407Z </Oagis9:CreationDateTime> <Oagis9:BODID> 55c69d70-aca6-11db-83a9-832d45b8fe37 </Oagis9:BODID> </Oagis9:ApplicationArea> <_cat:DataArea> <_cat:Catalog primary="true"> <_cat:CatalogIdentifier> <_wcf:UniqueID>10001</_wcf:UniqueID> <_wcf:ExternalIdentifier ownerID="7000000000000000002"> <_wcf:Identifier>AdvancedB2BDirect</_wcf:Identifier> </_wcf:ExternalIdentifier> </_cat:CatalogIdentifier> <_cat:Description language="-1"> <_cat:Name>Store master catalog</_cat:Name> <_cat:LongDescription> Largest auto parts retailer in the country. Our catalog cater to do-it-yourself mechanics, as well as professional auto shops. We sell all kinds of auto parts including a large variety of brake pads, suspensions, transmissions, electrical systems, entertainment systems, batteries, lamps, starters, audio systems, video systems, GPS navigation systems, cylinders, tires, shocks, bearing, springs, clutches, gears, differentials, and more. </_cat:LongDescription> </_cat:Description> </_cat:Catalog> </_cat:DataArea> </_cat:ShowCatalog>
If there is an error the error is reported in the Response message. You can see the error details in the trace log, SystemOut.log.
There are three ways to call Web services:
- Call Web services in JSP pages
- To use this service request on a JSP page, you have the choices between two expression builders: getCatalogGroupDetailsByID and getCatalogGroupDetailsByIDs. The getCatalogGroupDetailsByID accept one catGroupId as parameter and maps to the following XPath expression: {_wcf.ap=$accessProfile$}/CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[UniqueID='$catGroupId$']]. The default is: accessProfile=WC_CatalogGroupDetailsProfile. The getCatalogGroupDetailsByIDs accept a list of catGroupId as parameters and as such should be used to return the details of multiple categories. The accessProfile used is WC_CatalogGroupDetailsProfile. Here is an example on how to use this in a JSP:
<wcf:getData type="[]" var="catalogGroups" expressionBuilder="getCatalogGroupDetailsByIDs"> <c:forEach var="uniqueId" uniqueIDs="the list of Ids"> <wcf:param name="UniqueID" value="${uniqueID}" /> </c:forEach> </wcf:getData>This service request uses the CatalogGroupDataBean data bean.- Call Web services in Java client
- To call catalog services create a Get BOD then call the correct client API.
- Call Web services
- Use any standard Web services invocation method.
The following extensions are supported:
- Create your own implementation of the interface
ComposeCatalogTaskCmd. By creating your own implementation of the
ComposeCatalogTaskCmd, and an access profile, you can control the information returned by the service.Related concepts
Design pattern for Get service implementation
Related Reference
WebSphere Commerce foundation tag library