Process: Inquire about a business account
To provide information to the customer about the details of their business account relationship
When a customer calls to find out the details of aspects of the business relationship, the Account Representative can display that information to communicate to the customer.
- Customer orders
- Buyer purchase order limits and current spending levels
- Contract spending limits (such as right to buy, or obligation to buy) and current spending levels
- Business accounts
- Contracts
Additional reports may be created
Task Description Role Display business account details View the details of a business account, including all the terms and conditions and other business account details.
Account Representative Display Buyer purchase order limits View the Buyer purchase order spending limits under a contract and the current order totals for a customer.
Account Representative Display contract details View the details of a contract, including all the terms and conditions and other contract details.
Account Representative Display contract spending limits View the right-to-buy and obligation-to-buy spending limits specified under a contract and the current order totals for a customer.
Account Representative Display orders View the details of a particular customer's order
Account Representative Find business account Find the business account in the system about which a customer is making an inquiry.
Account Representative Receive customer request (external) Receive a customer request to:
- modify the terms and conditions or other details about a business account
- inquire about the status or details of a business account and/or contract
- manage the Buyer purchase orders under a business account
Account Representative (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2006. All Rights Reserved.