Process: Inquire about a business account






To provide information to the customer about the details of their business account relationship



When a customer calls to find out the details of aspects of the business relationship, the Account Representative can display that information to communicate to the customer.





Additional reports may be created






Task Description Role
Display business account details

View the details of a business account, including all the terms and conditions and other business account details.

Account Representative
Display Buyer purchase order limits

View the Buyer purchase order spending limits under a contract and the current order totals for a customer.

Account Representative
Display contract details

View the details of a contract, including all the terms and conditions and other contract details.

Account Representative
Display contract spending limits

View the right-to-buy and obligation-to-buy spending limits specified under a contract and the current order totals for a customer.

Account Representative
Display orders

View the details of a particular customer's order

Account Representative
Find business account

Find the business account in the system about which a customer is making an inquiry.

Account Representative
Receive customer request (external)

Receive a customer request to:

  • modify the terms and conditions or other details about a business account
  • inquire about the status or details of a business account and/or contract
  • manage the Buyer purchase orders under a business account
Account Representative
