Messaging subsystem - differences between releases

The following chart shows the different capabilities of the messaging subsystem between editions and supported releases.

WebSphere Commerce V6 WebSphere Commerce V5.6.1 WebSphere Commerce V5.6 WebSphere Commerce V5.5

Messaging subsystem x x x x x x x x x x x x
Outbound messaging x x x x x x x x x x x x
Customizable messages using JSPs. Allows you to dynamically control format, layout and information in the message x x x x x x x x x x x x
Multiple transports supported with J2EE Connector Architecture compliance such as Java mail, file connector , JMS, WBI InterChange Server x x x x x x x x x x x x
JMS/MQ Adapter provided and integrated x x x x x x x x x x x x
With Web services, WebSphere Commerce can act as either a service requester or a service provider x x x x x x x x x x x x
A single message can be sent over multiple transports simultaneously x x x x x x x x x x x x
Multiple notifications over the same transport (i.e. e-mail message to multiple recipients) x x x x x x x x x x x x
Messages can be archived x x x x x x x x x x x x
Inbound messaging x x x x x x x x x x x x
Native support for inbound XML messages x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message mapper implemented to allow a level of abstraction to convert XML messages to CommandProperty objects x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message mapper extendable x x x x x x x x x x x x
XML over HTTP supported x x x x x x x x x x x x
XML parser standard (V4.0) x x x x x x x x x x x x
SOAP message mapper included x x x x x x x x x x x x
Support for plug-in of other parsers x x x x x x x x x x x x
Email x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to notify approvers x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of received orders x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of rejected orders x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of cancelled orders x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of authorized orders x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of order release manifestation x x x x x x x x x x x x
Invoice message to customers x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of saving coupon x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to customers of password reset x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to merchants of received orders x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to merchants of canceled orders x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to merchants of daily new order summary report x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message to merchants for monthly storefront usage report x x x x x x x x x x x x
Broadcast message to communicate to merchants x x x x x x x x x x x x
RFQ submit message x




RFQ complete message x




RFQ close message x




Notification message for collaboration workspaces x  

Messages can be archived x x x x x x x x x x x x
Program Adapter x x x x x x x x x x x x
Allows outside systems to communicate to WCBE via XML over HTTP x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message mapper supported x x x x x x x x x x x x
Web Services support x x x x x x x x x x x x
Support for both "service provider" and "service requester" functions x x x x x x x x x x x x
Supports SOAP over HTTPS x x x x x x x x x x x x
JMS/MQ Adapter x x x x x x x x x x x x
Supports both inbound and outbound messages x x x x x x x x x x x x
MQSeries server can be on same machine or different machine x x x x x x x x x x x x
Messages and business logic for integration prepackaged x x x x x x x x x x x x
Inbound and Outbound Messages x x x x x x x x x x x x
Customer create- Creates a registration record for a new user, or updates a record for an existing user x x x x x x x x x x x x
Customer update- Updates a registration record for an existing user x x x x x x x x x x x x
Order status update - Updates the general status of an order. x x x x x x x x x x x x
Order Confirm - Updates the confirmation status of an order. x x x x x x x x x x x x
Order Invoice - Updates the invoice status of an order x x x x x x x x x x x x
Product offer price update- Updates the offer price information for a product. x x x x x x x x x x x x
Product list price update - Updates the list price information for an order. x x x x x x x x x x x x
Product inventory update - Updates product inventory information. x x x x x x x x x x x x
Price and availability check - Price and Availability information x x x x x x x x x x x x
Price and availability update - Price and Availability information x x x x x x x x x x x x
Request batch availability x




ShoppingCart transfer - Shopping cart transfer message and Shopping Cart Transfer Response to confirm customer's shopping cart has been successfully transferred to an external system x




Order Create - Sends an XML message to a back-end system containing information on a new order. x x x x x x x x x x x x
Order Acknowledgement x x x x x x x x x x x x
Pick List x x x x x x x x x x x x
Can be extended to support additional messages x x x x x x x x x x x x
Message mapper supported - mechanism to map inbound messages to trigger appropriate business logic x x x x x x x x x x x x
Procurement System Integration x




Punch-out catalog mode supported x




Local catalog mode supported x




Related Concepts

Outbound messaging system
Differences between editions and releases