Enhancing site security
To enhance the security of your WebSphere Commerce site, you can enable various features in Configuration Manager.
- Log off a user that is inactive for an extended period and request they log back on to the system, using the Login Timeout node.
- Require users to change their passwords when they are logging in to the system for the first time, using the Password Invalidation node.
- Require users to enter their passwords if they are running requests that run designated commands, using the Password Protected Commands node.
- Update encrypted data such as passwords and credit card information as well as the merchant key in a WebSphere Commerce database, using the Database Update Tool node.
- Reject any user request that contains attributes or characters that are designated as not allowed, using the Cross Site Scripting Protection node.
- Quickly identify any security threats against WebSphere Commerce by enabling access logging.
In addition, you can enable the following features from the Security menu in the Administration Console:
- Set up an account policy for your site to define the account-related policies in use, by using the Account policy page.
- Set up a password policy for your site to control users' password selection characteristics, using the Password policy page (only if users are authenticated against the WebSphere Commerce database).
- Set up an account lockout policy for your site to reduce the chances of a user account being compromised, using the Account lockout policy page (only if users are authenticated against the WebSphere Commerce database).
Related tasks
Enabling password invalidation
Enabling access logging
Enabling cross-site scripting protection
Enabling login timeout
Enabling password-protected commands
Set up a password policy
Set up an account lockout policy
Set up an account policy
Updating encrypted data using Configuration Manager