Publishing storefront assets and store configuration files by copying to the WebSphere Commerce Server
In order to publish the storefront assets by copying them directly to the WebSphere Commerce Server, the Web assets (HTML, JSP files, images, and graphics) must be copied to the Stores Web application document root. The resource bundles or properties files must be copied to the application's properties path. The store configuration files must be copied to the appropriate locations under the stores or tools Web modules.
When you unzip the starter store archives into the Stores Web module, (retaining the path structure) the file assets will be placed in the correct location. However, the properties files used by the Change Flow notebook (StoreDirectory/devtools/flow/ui/*.properties) must be copied to the ToolsStoresPropertiesPath defined in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
To copy the storefront assets and the store configuration files to the WebSphere Commerce Server:
- Copy the JSP files, HTML, include files, images, and graphics to the store directory (storedir) in the Stores Web application document root:
- Copy the resource bundles and properties files to the application properties path:
- Copy the store configuration files to the locations defined in the WebSphere Commerce Configuration File
The store configuration files are copied to the following locations:
- The store configuration XML files (WEB-INF/xml/tools/stores/storedir/devtools/flow/*) are copied to the ToolsStoresXMLPath.
- The store configuration properties files are copied to the ToolsStoresPropertiesPath.
- If your store is based on a WebSphere Commerce starter store, add the value located in the STORE_ID column of the STORE database table to the storeId parameter in the parameters.jsp file in the following directory:
- WC_eardir/Stores.war/storedir/include
To view your store in a browser, launch the following URL: http://host name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/storedir/index.jsp.
Related Concepts
WebSphere Commerce configuration file
Related tasks
Publishing your store