Configure a transport method for a store
Transport methods are configured in the Administration Console
To configure a transport method for your store:
- Open the Administration Console and select Store on the Administration Console Site/Store Selection page.
- From the Configuration menu, select Transports. The Transport Configuration page displays.
- Select the check box beside the transport you want to configure. By default, the e-mail transport method is configured and active.
- E-mail sender
- File
- File Writer
- WebSphere MQ
- WebSphere MQ
- WebSphere InterChange Server
- WebSphere InterChange Server
- Sample adapter
- Sample adapter
- Click Configure. The Transport Configuration Parameters page opens. The name of the transport you selected displays at the top-left of the parameter table. If the desired transport is not listed, click Add and select it from the list.
- Provide the information for the transport in the appropriate fields.
- Click OK to accept the changes. Changes made to the configuration of this transport by the Site Administrator will no longer affect this store.
Related tasks
Add a transport method to a store