Change the frequency of auction scheduler jobs

You can change the frequency with which the scheduler performs commands relating to auctions.

The scheduler performs these jobs:

Command Action Frequency in seconds
MonitorAuctions Starts and stops auctions. 120
ProcessOpenCryBids Determines high bid and lowest winning bid. 300
ProcessDutchBids Updates the available quantity for Dutch auctions. 310
ProcessAutoBids Submits bids from autobids. 320
FinalizeAuction Determines winners for Open Cry and Sealed Bid auctions. 600
CompleteOrder Creates orders from winning bids. 14400
DoAuctionNotify Sends unread messages to customers as e-mail. 850

To change the frequency for an auction command, use the following SQL statement:

update schconfig set sccinterval=frequency where sccpathinfo='command name'

where frequency is the frequency in seconds, and command name is the name of the auction command.

For example, to change the frequency of the MonitorAuction command to 90 seconds, type:

 update schconfig set sccinterval=90 where sccpathinfo='MonitorAuction' 


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Change delay times for auction messages