Troubleshoot: Sign on to WebSphere Commerce tools page fails
After applying a WebSphere Commerce fix pack or installing a WebSphere Commerce feature pack, a sign on attempt results in a NumberFormatException.
You complete one or more of the following tasks:
- Install WebSphere Commerce Fix Pack 4, or higher, to your server or development machine.
- Apply Fix Pack 4, or higher, to your WebSphere Commerce instance.
- Install WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3, or higher, to your server or development machine.
After completing the task, you launch a WebSphere Commerce tools page and attempt to sign on. The sign on fails and an error, similar to the following, is logged in the SystemOut.log file:
- CMN0409E: The following error has occurred during processing: "java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "false"".java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "false" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
Close any Web browser windows that you are using for your sign on attempts. Launch a new Web browser window and attempt the sign on again.