Examples: Deleting objects
The following are examples of deleting user objects from the database tables using optional parameters from the Database Cleanup utility.
./dbclean.sh -object objectname -type objecttype -instancexml instancename -db dbname -commit commitrows -max maxrows -check_object_only yes
dbclean -object objectname -type objecttype -instancexml instancename -db dbname -commit commitrows -max maxrows -check_object_only yes
./dbclean.sh -object objectname -type objecttype -instancexml instancename -db host:port:sid -commit commitrows -max maxrows -check_object_only yes -dbtype oracle -dbuser dbuser -dbpasswd dbpassword
dbclean -object objectname -type objecttype -instancexml instancename -db host:port:sid -commit commitrows -max maxrows -check_object_only yes -dbtype oracle -dbuser dbuser -dbpasswd dbpassword
Here is the same example, with sample values (instead of variables):
./dbclean.sh -object user -type registered -instancexml WebSphere/WebSphereCommerce/instances/demo/xml/demo.xml -db CD040302 -commit 500 -max 8000 -check_object_only yes
dbclean -object user -type registered -instancexml C:\WebSphere\WebSphereCommerce\instances\demo\xml\demo.xml -db CD040302 -check_object_only yes
AIX|Solaris|Linux| ./dbclean.sh -object user -type registered -instancexml WebSphere/WebSphereCommerce/instances/demo/xml/demo.xml -db host:port:sid -commit 500 -max 8000 -check_object_only yes -dbtype oracle -dbuser johnsmith -dbpasswd mypasword
dbclean -object objectname -type registered -instancexml C:\WebSphere\WebSphereCommerce\instances\demo\xml\demo.xml -db host:port:sid -commit 500 -max 8000 s-check_object_only yes -dbtype oracle -dbuser johnsmith -dbpasswd mypasword
If you are deleting a store, close the store first, before deleting it. The markfordelete flag is not supported. You must use the status flag (open/closed/suspended) first, and then use the markfordelete flag. It is the status flag that determines store access.
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