Access groups

Access groups are usually implicit groups. Access groups are referenced in access control policies. The criteria for members in this group are usually based on roles, the organization to which the user belongs, and the user registration status.

For example, a member group called Seller Administrators is a group whose users play the role of seller administrators.

WebSphere Commerce includes a number of default roles, and corresponding to each role is a default member group. For instance, by default there is a role called Seller Administrator and a corresponding member group called Seller Administrators.

The default set of access groups (roles) which are available for WebSphere Commerce profile management are Account Representative, Buyer (buy-side), Buyer (sell-side), Buyer Administrator, Buyer Approver, Category Manager, Channel Manager, Customer Service Representative, Customer Service Supervisor, Logistics Manager, Marketing Manager, Operations Manager, Procurement Buyer, Procurement Buyer Administrator, Procurement Manager, Product Manager, Pick Packer, Receiver, Registered Customer, Returns Administrator, Sales Manager, Seller, Seller Administrator, and Site Administrator.


Related Concepts

Member groups


Related tasks

Create member groups
Change a member group
Deleting a member group
Listing member groups
Listing actions for an access group
Listing access control policies for an access group
Listing access control resources for access groups