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Understand file access rights

File owners can keep their files private or share them with others, including people external to the organization if they have been invited to join the community.

The person who uploads a file for the first time is its owner.

If the owner does not share or make the file public, then the file is private and only the owner can read and edit it.

External users have the same access rights to files they have uploaded and shared, but they do not have access to public files.

Owners can share their files with people or communities. People can have Reader or Editor access to the file. Communities also can be granted Reader or Editor access.

Editors can lock files. However, editors can unlock files only if they locked them. A file owner can unlock a file regardless of who locked it.

Owners also can make a file public, meaning everyone who can access IBM Connections can read the file.

In some file lists, private files are marked with a private icon, shared files are marked with a shared icon, and public files are marked with a public icon.

If a file is both public and shared, it is marked with a public icon.

Parent topic:
Use file sharing to collaborate with others