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Add files to folders

Use folders to organize files. Add files to folders you have Contributor or Owner access to.

We can open a folder and add files, open a file and add it to a folder, or drag and drop files into folders.

We cannot add private files or files that have been shared with you to public folders. In short, follow these steps to add previously uploaded files to folders:

  1. Follow these steps to add files to folders:

    1. Open the folder.

    2. Click Upload Files or Add Files.

    3. Find and select files in any of the following ways:

      Choice Description

      Browse files on my computer

      Upload files from the computer to the folder.

      Uploading a file to a public folder makes the file.

      External users cannot see or access public folders and files.

      Uploading a file to a shared folder means the file is shared with whoever the folder is shared with.

      Recent Files

      Select files that were recently uploaded or recently shared with you.

      To search across all files, type characters in the search field and click the search icon. All files include the files, files available to everyone, and files shared with you.

      Pinned Files

      Select from a list of the pinned files.

      My Files

      Select files you uploaded.

      To search across the files, type characters in the search field and click the search icon.

      Shared With Me

      Select files people have shared with you.

      To search across files shared with you, type characters in the search field and click the search icon.


      Add files to be synchronized to the desktop so we can work with those files offline. Syncing is a way to share a file and keep it synchronized when multiple people are updating it concurrently.

      Keep your local files synchronized with files on the server. If we change a local version of a file, the changes are uploaded automatically to the corresponding file on the server.

      Conversely, if you or another user changes the version on the server, then the changes are synchronized to the local file.

      Being able to synchronize files is dependent on the desktop plug-ins being installed on the client.

      Other People's Files

      Select files that have been shared with you, a community you belong to, or publicly.

      Start typing a name or email address in the search field and then select it. If the name or address does not display, click the search icon.

      My Folders

      Select files from the folders. Expand My Folders, click a folder, and then select files from that folder.

      To search across all files, type characters in the search field and click the search icon. All files include the files, public files, and files shared with you.

      Shared Folders

      Select files from folders shared with you. Expand Shared Folders, click a folder, and then select files from that folder.

      To search across all files, type characters in the search field and click the search icon. All files include the files, public files, and files shared with you.

    4. Click Upload.

    5. Check the box to allow members of the folder to edit any files you own.

  2. Follow these steps to open a file and add it to a folder:

    1. Find the file you want and open its file page.

    2. Click Add to Folders.

    3. Find and select one or more folders in any of the following ways:

      Choice Description

      Recent Folders

      Select folders that you recently added files to from the Folders I Recently Added To list.

      Select folders you recently created, folders other people recently shared with you, and folders other people recently added files to from the Recently Updated Folders list.

      To search across all of these folders, type characters in the search field and click the search icon.

      My Folders

      Select folders you created.

      To search across all of these folders, type characters in the search field and click the search icon.

      Folders Shared With Me

      Select folders people have shared with you.

      To search across all of these folders, type characters in the search field and click the search icon.

      Public Folders

      Select public folders.

      External users cannot see or access public folders and files.

      To search across all of these folders, type characters in the search field and click the search icon.

    4. Click Add to Folders.


Work with files

Create folders