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Manage community files

Depending on the access level, we can work in different ways with the files that members have uploaded and shared with the community.

To select the file to work with, click the file name in the Files widget to access options for working with the file.

The Files widget on the communitys Overview page displays only the most recent file updates for the community. If we do not see the file to work with displayed in the widget, click Files in the navigation pane to access a full list of the files associated with the community.

When working with community files, members can indicate to other members they like a file, upload new versions of files, and edit a files name and description, depending on their level of access to the file. Members can follow files so they receive an email whenever that file is modified. Community owners, member editors, and users who have uploaded files can delete versions of the uploaded file and restore any version of the file.

We can perform the following tasks when working with community files.

Parent topic:
Add files to a community


Manage access to community files

Manage deleted files