Browse or search for communities
To display all the public communities in the organization.
Overview | Communities | Public Communities
If IBM Lotus Quickr places are enabled, use the Display field to select whether to show only communities, only places, or all communities and places.
To search for a keyword that displays in a community's name, description, or tags, enter a word to search for in the Search field. Specify whether to search all communities or our own communities by clicking the Down arrow and making a selection.
To search for a community by tags, click a tag in the tag cloud to find communities that use that tag. Find a community in the view that interests you. Then, to find other communities that use that tag, click one of the tags associated with the community.
To find out what other communities a community member belongs to.
- If the deployment includes the Profiles application, then clicking the name of a community member displays the profile for that person. Hover the cursor over the person's name and click the link to view their business card. When you click Communities in the business card, a list of all the public communities to which that person belongs is displayed.
- If the deployment does not include Profiles, then clicking the community member's name displays a list of all the public communities to which that person belongs.