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Revoke community invitations that are pending

If we invite someone to join a community and later change your mind, we can cancel the invitation while it is still pending.

You must be a community owner to revoke community invitations.

If we are inviting people to join a community and you send an invitation to the wrong person by mistake, we can revoke the invitation as long as the person has not yet accepted it.

We can view all the pending invitations for a community from the Invitations tab on the community's Members page. The tab displays information about when each invitation was sent and who it was sent to.

To revoke a community invitation.

  1. From the Overview page, click Members.

  2. Click the Invitations tab.

  3. Select the invitation to cancel and click Revoke.

  4. Click OK to confirm to revoke the invitation.


The revoked invitation is removed from the Invitations tab. If the invitee opens the original invitation notification and clicks Join this community, a message displays advising them the invitation has been revoked.

Parent topic:
Invite people to join a community


Manage community membership

Accept community invitations

Resend community invitations as reminders to join