Add a wiki to a community
Add a wiki to the community so that we can share information and resources with fellow community members, and work collaboratively on projects.
You must be a community owner to add a wiki to a community, and also be logged in to Communities. We cannot add an existing wiki to a community.
Add a wiki to a community provides a shared environment where members can work together to create and update information in an ongoing, collaborative process. Wiki membership is managed by the community and there is a direct mapping between membership roles. Community members with the editor role can create and edit pages in the wiki. Members are given the editor role by default. Users with the reader role or who are not members of the community can read the wiki content but cannot make any contributions or changes. To change the membership role setting for Wikis, see Manage a community wiki.
When add a wiki to a community, the wiki is automatically given the same name as the community. A Wiki area is added to the community's Overview page and, when community members start to populate the wiki, this area displays links to the five latest wiki updates. A Wiki link also appears in the navigation sidebar. Click this link to open the wiki in the Wikis user interface. The community's business card displays at the topic of the wiki, allowing community members to navigate to the community directly from the wiki user interface.
Add a wiki to the community
- From the community's Overview page, select...
Community Actions | Add Apps
You must be logged in to a community to access the Community Actions menu.
- Click Wiki to add a wiki to the community.
- Click Close to close the content palette.
What to do next
From the community, we can do the following:
- To create a new wiki page, click Create a Wiki Page.
- To open the wiki and see the latest activity, click View All.
- To edit wiki settings, click Community Actions > Edit Community, and then click the Wiki tab.
Parent topic:
Work with a community wiki