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Change the theme of the community

We can customize the appearance of the community by changing its default theme.

You must be a community owner to change the theme of a community. You must also be logged in to IBM Connections.

Community themes are not available if the administrator has made customizations that apply to all of the Connections applications.

When creating a community, a default theme is automatically applied. We can change the colors and fonts used in the community's user interface by selecting a new theme. We can choose from a number of default themes, and the administrator can also make custom themes available. When you apply a different theme to the community, theme is also applied to any community applications, such as a community blog or wiki, and community forums and activities.

Apply a different theme to a community does not affect any associated applications.

To select a new theme for the community.

  1. From the community's Overview page, select Community Actions > Edit Community.

  2. Click Change Community Theme.

  3. Select a theme from the options provided, and then click Save.


The theme is applied to all the pages in the community.

Parent topic:
Customize the community