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Change the look of the blog

The blog theme controls the layout and color-scheme of your blog. When creating a new blog, you select from one of the built-in themes.

You must be a blog owner or site administrator to edit the blog theme.

Change the theme to update the look of the blog.

  1. Click My Blogs.

  2. Click Settings for the blog to modify.

  3. Click Theme.

  4. Select a different theme for the blog. A preview window shows you what the blog looks like with the new theme.

  5. Click Save to apply the new theme.

What to do next

Important: If the site administrator gives you permission, we can customize a theme from the Theme page. Customizing a theme requires that you edit HTML template files. Do not customize a theme unless we are comfortable working with HTML. When you click Customize, the templates that define the current theme are copied into the blog where we can edit them from the Templates page. We can only customize one theme at a time. Clicking Customize overwrites any previous customization.

Parent topic:
Manage the blog