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Add an entry

Add an entry to an activity to share information with members of the activity. For example, use an entry to ask a question. Activity members can post answers by clicking Add comment within the entry. You might also use the entry subject as a way to make an announcement.

  1. Click Add Entry.

  2. Enter the relevant details. These details can be changed later by editing the entry. To edit an entry, click More to expand the entry and then click Edit.

  3. Add content to the entry.

    • Click Add File > Attach File to add a file to the entry.

      Files that you attach are uploaded to the activity and stored within the activity. The files cannot be shared outside the membership of the activity. The contents of files that are uploaded to activities are not searchable. To upload a file that we can share with a wider audience later, add the file to the Files application. We can add a link to a file or folder in the Files application from the activity entry to share it with the activity members. Files that you attach to an activity entry are stored within the activity.

      The default maximum size limit for file attachments is 10 MB, but this value can be changed by the administrator.

    • Click Add Bookmark to add a web address to the entry.

    • Click Add File > Link to File to add a link to a file.

      Select the file to link to. The files available depend on what is deployed in the environment. For example, if the Files application is deployed in the environment, then we can create a link to a file stored in the Files application. If a Linked Library is available for the deployment, then we can create a link to a file stored in the library. If we select to create a link from My computer, the file that is selected is uploaded to the activity and a link is created.

      If the Files application is deployed or Linked Libraries are enabled, My computer is unavailable.

    • Click Add File > Link to Folder to add a link to a folder.

      The folders available depend on what is deployed in the environment. For example, if the Files application is deployed in the environment, then we can create a link to a folder created in the Files application. If a Linked Library is available for the deployment, then we can create a link to a folder stored in the library.

    • Click Add Custom Fields > Date Field to add a Date field to the entry. When you click the empty field, a calendar control is displayed. We can either type the date into the field or pick a date from the calendar control.

    • Add Custom Fields > Person Field to add a Person field to the entry. As you type a name into the field, a list of names from the directory is displayed. We can choose a name from the list or continue typing the person's full name or email address.

      If we type the name of a person from within Activities, pick from the type-ahead to add the person properly instead of clicking the Add Members. Select from the type-ahead entry that displays the correct business card.

    • Click Add Custom Fields > Text Field to add a plain text field to the entry.

    We can add as many types of fields as you want and we can add fields of the same type multiple times. Rename a custom field by clicking the field label. Remove a field by clicking the delete field icon for that field.

    We can change the label of file, bookmark, or custom field to a name that better describes the purpose of the field. For example, if we are using the entry to provide review comments, you might want to add two name fields, an Author field and a Reviewer field. We can also add a date field that is labeled Review By Date, and add a file attachment with a field label of Document To Review.

  4. Use the Description field to describe the entry or add entry content. We can use the toolbar options to format the added text. We can also use @mentions to share your entry directly with other people.

  5. Select a specific section of the activity to add this entry to.

  6. Select Mark this entry private to hide the entry from other members.

  7. Select Notify people of this entry To notify activity members about this entry.

    If we are using a stand-alone activity, we can notify all activity members by selecting All individual members of this activity. To not notify everyone, select specific members from the list. If the activity was shared with a community, then we can notify a subset of the community members by selecting Community: community_name where community_name is the name of the community, and then selecting the boxes next to the names of the members to notify.

    If we are using a community activity, select specific members from the list.

    The filter searches the names on the current page only. If there are multiple pages, click Next until you get to a page with names in the same alphabetic range as the name we are looking for, and then type the name into the filter box.

What to do next

We can change the properties of entries by clicking More Actions. For example, we can make an entry private by editing it. We can also move the entry, edit it, delete it, or make a copy of it.

We can convert entries into to-do items by clicking More Actions > Convert to To Do Item. To-do items are useful when there is an entry in your activity to assign or if the due date of the entry is before the due date of the activity.

By clicking More Actions > Notify Other People we can bring an entry to the attention of members in the activity. Members whom you notify receive an email message or a notification in the Updates tab in the home page application containing the description of the entry and a link to it. Any member of an activity can notify other members about any entry in the activity. The server can send notifications to current members of the activity and to anyone who adds a current entry to the activity even if the person is no longer a member.

Parent topic:
Add activity content


Work with files