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Use the Linked Lotus Quickr library plug-in

Use the Linked Quickr Library plug-in to work with documents in an existing Lotus Quickr Library from an IBM Connections community.

Perform the following tasks to add a Linked Lotus Quickr Library app to a community.

  1. Open the community.

  2. Click Community Actions > Customize.

  3. In the Add Content section, click Linked Quickr Library and then close the section. A Linked Quickr Library app is added to the community.

  4. In the app menu, select Edit.

  5. Type a title for the library as it displays in the community.

  6. Type or paste the direct URL of the library. To copy the URL, open the library in Lotus Quickr and click Show links.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click the library title in the app to open the library as in full application mode.

  9. For help using the library, click the Help link.

Parent topic:
Use plug-ins from other products with Connections