Use the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint
Use the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint to bring IBM Connections features such as searching by tag, searching by profile, and viewing business cards, into the SharePoint environment.
After an administrator installs and deploys the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint, users will be able to:
- Search IBM Connections Profiles to find people in the organization. If colleagues you find with a Profiles search are in the SharePoint directory, we can add them to the SharePoint group or site.
- View a colleagues IBM Connections Business Card to get contact and social networking information about users in the organization. From the business card, we can create a mail message to this colleague or open their blog, bookmarks, or full profile.
If the Connections uses hidden email, the business card does not display. Also, if we are using the SharePoint plug-in with SiteMinder single-sign-on and we see an error for loading data for the business card, check the security settings for the browser and verify the setting to access data sources across domains is enabled.
- Use the tag cloud to find content that is stored on IBM Connections servers. Clicking a tag starts a search that matches against all Connections services. For example, clicking a new-hire tag could return a community and a blog post.
If the administrator deployed the Connections Plug-in for Microsoft SharePoint, we can access SharePoint files from an IBM Connections community.
- Use the SharePoint plug-in
Access Microsoft SharePoint documents from within an IBM Connections community. Documents you upload to the community from SharePoint are available to all members of the community.
Parent topic:
Use plug-ins from other products with Connections