Add Word documents to Blogs
Add Word documents to a blog. The document is added as a new blog post.
Word documents must use a blog template before we can upload them as a blog post. Use the blog post template when we create a document by selecting it from the list of templates. For example, in Microsoft Word 2010, choose File, New and then choose Blog Post from the list of templates and create a document. To convert an existing document to a blog post, create a document with the blog post template, and then copy the content into that new document.
Follow these steps to post a Word document as a blog post in Connections.
- Open the document in Word.
- Click the Connections tab.
- Click Blogs.
- If we connect to more than one site, select a site to upload the document to.
- Click Browse.
- Select a blog and click OK.
- Edit the entry title and add tags.
- Select Post as draft to post the document as a draft only.
- Click Upload.
The conversion process might remove or change some of the formatting present in the Word document.
What to do next
We can also convert an existing document to the blog template within Word. Click File > Save & Send > Publish as Blog Post. This Microsoft feature reopens the document using the Microsoft blog template.
Parent topic:
Use the Connections plug-in for Microsoft Office