Displaying a refresh button on portlets
Edit style sheets to display a refresh button on portlets.
By default, the Refresh button does not display on portlets. If we want users to us the refresh feature, edit the style sheets to display the action buttons. After changing the styles in the style sheet, the Refresh button displays on the following pages and corresponding community views:
- Forums (All list views )
- Wikis (My Wikis and All Wikis views)
- Bookmarks (All list views)
- Blogs (All list views)
- Activities (All list views)
- Open these style sheets from the lcaccelerator\css folder where the Connections portlets are installed.
- connectionsportlet.css
- connectionsportlet.css
- connectionsportlet_mobile.css
- connectionsportletRTL_mobile.css
- For any component to display the refresh buttons, change the attribute display from none to inline. The choices are:
.activities_refresh { display:none; } .blogs_refresh { display:none; } .bookmarks_refresh { display:none; } .wikis_refresh { display:none; } .forums_refresh { display:none; }
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Recommended configuration