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Manually removing configuration updates

Manually remove configuration updates made to the wimconfig.xml after you remove the portlets.

To manually remove configuration updates, you edit the wimconfig.xml file to remove updates and then delete the associated jar files.

  1. Remove the connections repository entry from the wimConfig.xml.

    1. Go to [wp_profile_root]/config/cells/<cell>/wim/config/wimconfig.xml.

      For a clustered deployment, locate the file from the dmgrGR directory on the primary IBM WebSphere Portal erver at: <DMGR install root>\profiles\<dmgr profile name>\config\cells\<cell>\.wim\config\wimconfig.xml.

    2. Locate and remove this entry:
      <config:repositories adapterClassName="com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.connections.ConnectionsAdapter"
              id="connections" isExtIdUnique="true" supportExternalName="false" supportPaging="false"
              supportSorting="false" supportTransactions="false">
            <config:baseEntries name="o=connections" nameInRepository="o=connections"/>

    3. Remove all occurrences of the entry: <config:repositoriesForGroups>connections</config:repositoriesForGroups> from wimconfig.xml

    4. Save and close the wimconfig.xml file.

  2. Remove the VMM jars as specified for the deployment type.

    • For a cross-cell deployment, remove the VMM-specific jars from AppServer/lib/ext on the Portal server. Refer to list of jars to be removed here: [wp_profile-dir]/paa/SNPortlets/components/SNPortletsVMM/shared/WAS/lib and remove these jars from AppServer/lib/ext on the Portal server.

    • For a single-cell deployment, remove the vmm folder in the AppServer/lib/ext directory, then remove the jars com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.base.jar and com.ibm.ws.wim.adapter.connections.forwarding.jar from AppServer/lib/ext on the Portal server.

    In a cluster environment remove the jars from each node including the dmgr and Connection Server node.

  3. If Portal is configured to use a federated LDAP, remove the directory services configuration.

    • For a single server, remove the following files on the IBM WebSphere Portal server from PORTAL_HOME\wp_profile\config\cells\<cell>\ :

    • For a clustered deployment, remove the files from the dmgrGR directory on the primary IBM WebSphere Portal server, at <DMGR install root>\profiles\<dmgr profile name>\config\cells\<cell>\.

Parent topic:
Remove the Connections portlets