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Change the realm name

When you configure IBM Connections portlets to use single sign-on, you may need to change the Portal realm name to match the one used in Connections.

  1. In the WAS console, change the realm name. For example, from...




  2. Configure Portal to use the new realm name as the default realm:

    1. Edit...


    2. For defaultRealmName, type the realmName property value to use as the default realm.

    3. Save the changes to the wkplc.properties file.

    4. Set this realm as the default realm:

        cd <wp_profile_root>/ConfigEngine
        ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-default-realm -DWasPassword=foo

    5. Stop and restart all necessary servers to propagate your changes.

  3. The default Portal administrator user ID is a file-based user ID which is unlikely to exist in the Connections realm. Follow these steps to change the WAS/Portal administrator user ID to an available user ID in the Connections realm.

    1. Replace the existing WebSphere Application Server administrative user ID and group ID with the new user and group.

        cd wp_profile_root/ConfigEngine
        ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-change-was-admin-user -DWasPassword=foo -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword -DnewAdminGroupId=newadmingroupid

      Provide the full DN for the newAdminId and newAdminGroupId parameters.

      The task is intended to run against a running server. If the server is stopped, add the -Dskip.ldap.validation=true parameter to the task to skip the validation.

    2. Verify the task completed successfully.

      In a clustered environment, restart the deployment manager, the node agents, and WebSphere Portal servers. In a stand-alone environment, restart the server and WebSphere Portal servers.

    3. Replace the old WebSphere Portal administrative user ID and group ID with the new user and group:

        ./ConfigEngine.sh wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=foo -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword -DnewAdminGroupId=newadmingroupid

      Provide the full DN for the newAdminId and newAdminGroupId parameters.

      The task is intended to run against a running server. If the server is stopped, add the -Dskip.ldap.validation=true parameter to the task to skip the validation.

Parent topic:
Configure authentication for the portlets


Configure single sign-on with TAM