Subscribe to Support updates
To stay informed of important information about the IBM products that you use, we can subscribe to updates.
By subscribing to receive updates, we can receive important technical information and updates for specific IBM Support tools and resources. We can subscribe to updates using the following approaches:
- RSS feeds
- The following RSS feeds are available:
- IBM Connections Support RSS feed
- developerWorks IBM Connections forum RSS feed
- Connections wiki Recently added RSS feed
For general information about RSS, including steps for getting started and a list of RSS-enabled IBM web pages, visit the IBM Software Support RSS feeds site.
- My Notifications
- With My Notifications, we can subscribe to Support updates for any IBM product. (My Notifications replaces My Support, which is a similar tool that you might have used in the past.) With My Notifications, we can specify to receive daily or weekly email announcements. We can specify what type of information to receive (such as publications, hints and tips, product flashes (also known as alerts), downloads, and drivers). My Notifications enables you to customize and categorize the products about which to be informed and the delivery methods that best suit the needs.
- IBM Connections newsletter
- If we would like to subscribe to the Support Content Highlights for Connections newsletter, send an email to, and specify "subscribe" as the subject.
Subscribe to Support updates.
- To subscribe to My Notifications, go to the IBM Support Portal and click Manage all my subscriptions in the Notifications portlet.
- Sign in using the IBM ID and password, and click Submit.
- Identify what and how to receive updates.
- Click the Subscribe tab.
- Select the appropriate software brand or type of hardware.
- Select one or more products by name and click Continue.
- Select the preferences for how to receive updates, whether by email, online in a designated folder, or as an RSS or Atom feed.
- Select the types of documentation updates to receive, for example, new information about product downloads and discussion group comments.
- Click Submit.
Until you modify the RSS feeds and My Notifications preferences, you receive notifications of updates you have requested. We can modify the preferences when needed (for example, if you stop using one product and begin using another product).
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Troubleshoot supportRelated information
IBM Software Support RSS feeds
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