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Troubleshooting the Cognos Transformer

If we encounter problems while deploying or configuring the IBM Cognos Transformer component or while using the Metrics application, use this information to help resolve the problem.

Table 1 lists problems you might encounter with the Cognos Transformer component (including PowerCubes) and suggests solutions.

problems with Cognos Transformer
Problem Solution

When configuring Cognos Transformer with the Cognos Configuration Tool, we see the following error message:

    UnstisfiedLinkError:JCAM_Crypto_JNI(Not found in java.library.path)

This error indicates the Java library could not be found by the Cognos Configuration Tool. Correct the problem with the following steps:

  1. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the Cognos BI /bin64 folder ...


  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the 64 Bit Java JRE ...


  3. Start the Cognos Configuration Tool :

    • AIX or Linux: cogconfig.sh

    • Windows: cogconfigw.exe

The Cognos Transformer fails to build the PowerCube and returns the following errors messages:

MetricsAuditCube build error message: (TR0220) The temporary file for PowerCube 'MetricsAuditCube' is empty. Check the source file contains data 
MetricsTrxCube build error message: (TR0793) Time-based partitioned PowerCube 'MetricsTrxCube' is empty. Check the data sources and the exclusion status of the categories in the target level.

It is likely the Metrics database was not created correctly when we ran the database wizard, so there is no data to build into the PowerCube. This issue is caused by a mismatch on the date format: the SQL statement that inserts records used the default date format but the database was configured to use a different date format so records were never inserted into the database, and the PowerCube cannot be built.

To correct this problem, follow the instructions in the IBM technote, Metrics database creation with error message and Cognos cube build failed.

Cube build script hangs after posting the message Reading source data to the Cognos Transformer Cube build log (called trxschelog.log).

The Transformer is not properly configured. Correct the problem by running the configuration tool silently:


export JAVA_HOME=WAS_install_path/java/jre

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$Cognos_BI_Server_install_path/bin64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Cognos_Transformer_install_path/bin/cogconfig.sh -config


    Cognos_Transformer_install_path\bin\cogconfig.bat -config

On Linux or AIX, messages appear in the cognos-setup.log, indicating the \bin directory cannot be found; for example:

mv: cannot start ’/Cognos/c10/bin/cogconfig.sh': No such file or directory


cp: cannot create regular file `/Cognos/c10/bin': No such file or directory

A message like this indicates the installed Cognos Transformer software is corrupt.

The cognos.transformer.issetup property value was incorrectly set to the same value as the cognos.biserver.issetup property in the cognos-setup.properties file. These properties must not be identical. Modify the cognos.transformer.issetup property and run the cognos-setup.sh script again.

The cognos-configure.log file contains the following messages:

ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.

SUCCESS: The scheduled task "MetricsCubeDailyRefresh" has successfully been created.

ERROR: The system cannot find the file specified.

SUCCESS: The scheduled task "MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild" has successfully been created. Finished Cube refresh scheduler.

These messages are generated from the section of the cognos-configure.sh|.bat script that performs sets up the cube refresh scheduler. The first error message can be disregarded provided a success message follows it for the "MetricsCubeDailyRefresh" task and for the "MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild" task, as shown in the example.

You might proceed with the rest of the installation.

On AIX, the PowerCube’s build script fails with following message in the build log:

(TR0154) Transformer could not set the application locale.

There are two possible causes for this problem:

  • Changes to the Cognos Configuration tool were saved and applied after the Transformer was installed and configured:

    1. Open the Cognos Configuration tool.

    2. Provide the Cognos BI Server's gateway information.

    3. Save and Apply the change.

  • The locale is set incorrectly. Set the application locale manually before running the build script again, and update the cron job for future builds.

    1. Set the application locale before running the build script again by running following commands:
      export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 
      export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1

    2. For future builds, update the cron jobs in the system crontab and insert same commands before the cube build command:

        export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1;

      For example, change the existing cron job from:

        05 00 * * 1-6 /opt/IBM/CognosTF/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh


        05 00 * * 1-6 export LANG=en_US.UTF-8; export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1; /opt/IBM/CognosTF/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh

The Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:

(TR3001) The Cognos gateway is unable to connect to the Cognos BI server. The server might be unavailable or the gateway might not be correctly configured. Try again or contact your administrator.

(TR0116) Transformer can't open the file Data_source_name.

There are several possible solutions to this problem:

  • Verify the Cognos BI server is available.

  • Verify the following settings in the Cognos Transformer configuration point to the correct Cognos BI Server host and port:

    • Gateway URI

    • Dispatcher URI for external applications

  • Verify the WebSphere Environment > Virtual Hosts > default_host > Host Aliases setting contains only the following entries:

    • *:cognos_bi_server_http_port

    • *:cognos_bi_server_https_port

    Without entries such as:


The Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:

(TR3703) The user ID or password is either missing or invalid. Please re-enter the credentials.

Verify the Cognos administrator user name and password specified in the cognos-setup.properties file were correct during the Cognos configuration step and are still valid. If the user name and password are wrong or no longer valid, enter the correct values in the cognos-setup.properties file and then rerun the cognos-configuration.sh|bat script to configure the Cognos server again.

The Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:

QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.

QE-DEF-0321 The userID or password is either missing or invalid.

RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: METRICS_CUBE_DS

Verify the METRICS database settings (db name, user name and password) specified in the cognos-setup.properties file were correct during the Cognos configuration step and are still valid. If any of the values are wrong or no longer valid, enter the correct values in the cognos-setup.properties file and then rerun the cognos-configuration.sh|bat script to configure the Cognos server again.

The Cognos cube build script failed and the following error message appears in the cube build log:

RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: METRICS_CUBE_DS

Additional messages might appear indicating the native database libraries cannot be loaded.

There are several possible solutions to this problem:

  • Verify the database client is installed on this server and is configured correctly to connect to the METRICS database. 2.

  • For DB2 on Linux, source the DB2 profiles before running the cube build script again. Add the source command into the user profiles who run the daily and weekly cube build cron jobs. For example:

      . ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile

The cube failed to update due to a logon issue where a Cognos administrative user name includes a space.

Refreshing cube fails when running the following operations:




In trxschelog.log the following error message is logged:

QE-DEF-0285 The logon failed.

QE-DEF-0325 The logon failed for the following reason:

RQP-DEF-0068 Unable to connect to at least one database during a multi-database attach to 1 database(s) in: METRICS_CUBE_DS.

  1. Check the MetricsAuditCube.mdl and MetricsTrxCube.mdl files found in the Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel folder with a text editor.

  2. Find the line in each file that begins with: Signon #### "LCUSER".

  3. Check the UserId item in these lines.

  4. If the Cognos admin user name has truncated, for example if John Smith only appears as John, then enter the correct full name.

Refreshing cube fails when running the following operations:




In trxschelog.log the following error message is logged:

End processing 0 records from data source 'MetricsCubeDS~1'.

Timing, READ DATA SOURCE,00:00:02

End cube update.

Timing, TOTAL TIME (CREATE CUBE),00:00:02

(TR0162) Package or report is not accessible. [->OK]

Closing model file /opt/IBM/Cognos/temp/ppd07835.qyj

  1. Open the MetricsAuditCube.mdl file found in the Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel/ folder with a text editor.

  2. Find and delete the line: PackageTimeStamp "/content/folder[@name='ConnectionsMetrics']/package[@name='MetricsCubeDS']/model[@name='2012-05-02T02:09:03.848Z']".

  3. Save the mdl file and run cube refresh again.

Parent topic:
Troubleshooting Cognos Business Intelligence components