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Receiving information from IBM Support

Occasionally an IBM technical-support representative might ask you to download diagnostic tools or other files. We can use FTP to download these files.

Ensure the IBM technical-support representative provided you with the preferred server to use for downloading the files and the exact directory, and file names to access.

To download files from IBM Support:

  1. Use FTP to connect to the site the IBM technical-support representative provided and log in as anonymous. Use your email address as the password.

  2. cd WP_PROFILEhe appropriate directory:

    1. cd WP_PROFILEhe /fromibm directory.

        cd fromibm

    2. cd WP_PROFILEhe directory the IBM technical-support representative provided.

        cd nameofdirectory

  3. Enable binary mode for the session.


  4. Use the get command to download the file the IBM technical-support representative specified.

      get filename.extension

  5. End the FTP session.


Parent topic:
Exchange information with IBM