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Troubleshoot Tivoli Directory Integrator


Tivoli Directory Integrator performs actions against the Profiles deployment.

Profiles-specific output can come from either...

See also: Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.1.0>Version 7.1>Problem Determination Guide

Trace settings are configured in...

Trace levels...

The trace output is recorded...

When a given level is enabled, all levels lower in severity are automatically enabled.

See: Configuring Tracing

Profiles service layer logging

To start with a general trace setting at the lowest severity level, in log4j.properties, set...

To confine tracing to just TDI operations...

The classes in this place in the hierarchy are primarily used as the interface between the assembly lines and connectors and the service layer. This level of tracing might also help identify issues in the calling TDI constructs.

Database operations recorded in the event log. Enable event log tracing to indirectly see what was done via the service level API to the database. To enable event log tracing, in etc/log4j.properties set:

This setting is very verbose, so be sure to enable it for targeted operations.

To enable database tracing, in etc/log4j.properties set:

Assembly line logs

Assembly line logs are stored in the logs subdirectory of the solution, including...

When a task is run at a subsequent time, based on the logging implementation of the assembly line, the logs are either renamed with an incremented trailing digit or named with a date suffix to ensure that previous logs are preserved.

All other output, in addition to some assembly-line output, is recorded in...

We can modify logging configuration using etc/log4j.properties.

Debug settings in log4j.properties

To print mapping and data validation information to...


...which provides...

Error messages

The CLFRN prefix is used to identify error messages from Profiles components. The CTGDIS prefix is used to identify error messages associated with TDI.

The last letter of the error message code indicates the severity of the message. For example, a code ending with an I is an informational message. Error and warning codes are designated by E and W respectively.

TDI Configuration Editor port issue

If, when working with the TDI Configuration Editor, we see...

...manually set api.remote.naming.port in...

Linux 32-bit issue

Linux 32-bit system is not officially supported by IBM Connections. Processors can become unresponsive and TDI wizards and scripts will not work.

As a workaround, edit...

..and set...

Parent topic:
Troubleshooting tips

Manage user data using TDI scripts
Error message reference
Enable traces in WebSphere Application Server