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Enable single sign-on for standalone LDAP

IBM Connections requires a federated repositories configuration, but we can enable Connections applications to perform Single sign-on for a standalone LDAP directory.

This procedure is required to enable Single sign-on (SSO) between IBM Connections, and an application hosted by a version of WAS that is earlier than 6.1, which is the version in which federated repositories were introduced. Before you perform this procedure, configure federated repositories on IBM Connections.

By default, applications deployed on servers within the same WAS cell are enabled for single-sign-on. To support this, the servers share the same set of LTPA keys and the same LDAP directory configuration. Use this configuration to set up SSO between applications that use different LDAP directory configurations. To enable SSO between IBM Connections, and a WebSphere Application Server configured for standalone LDAP:

  1. Log on to the WAS console by going to the following web address in a browser:


  2. Log in to the Welcome page.

  3. Click...

      Security | Global security | Available realm definitions | Federated Repositories | Configure

  4. On the Federated repositories page, add the <host_name>:<port> of the standalone LDAP server to the Realm name field.

    For example:


  5. Click Apply and then click Save to save this setting.

  6. After changing the realm name, update the administrative user roles because the previous realm name is still appended to the administrative users. Until you remove and re-add the administrative users, the users are unable to access the WAS console.

    1. Navigate to....

        Users and Groups | Administrative User Roles

    2. Select all user roles and click Remove.

    3. Click Add.

    4. In the Roles field, click Administrator.

    5. In the User field, enter the user name to which to grant administrative privileges.

    6. In the Search string field, enter a user name to set as an administrator and then click Search. Select the user name in the Available list and click to move it to the Mapped to role field.

    7. To map other users, repeat the previous step.

    8. Click OK and then click Save.

    If there is only one user, you might not be allowed to remove the user. In that case, add the new user first and then remove the original user.

  7. Synchronize the nodes and then restart the servers:

    1. Log into the WAS console for the Deployment Manager.

    2. Expand System administration > Nodes. Select the name of the node that you updated and click Full Resynchronize.

    3. Select Servers > Clusters. Select the check box for the cluster to restart and click Stop.

    4. Select System administration > Node agents. Select the check boxes for the nodes to restart and click Restart.

    5. Stop and restart the dmgr.

    6. Log into the WAS console again.

    7. Select Servers > Clusters. Select the check box the cluster to restart and click Start.

Parent topic:
Configure single sign-on


Configure IBM Connections for SSO

Enable single sign-on for Domino