TEST Installing IBM Connections in silent mode (with an existing Installation Manager)
Use a silent installation to perform an identical installation of Connections on multiple systems.
Complete all the prerequisite tasks that are relevant for your environment. See Before installing.
Ensure that Installation Manager version 1.7.1 or later is installed on the system. If we have an earlier version, update it by running the following command from the folder <Connections_installer>/IM/<your_platform> :
- AIX or Linux:./install --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -log log_file -acceptLicense
For example: ./install --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -log root/mylogs/mylogfile.xml -acceptLicense
where log_file is the name and path of the log file.
To prevent errors caused using the wrong version of Installation Manager, remove the following line from the default response file:
<offering id='com.ibm.cic.agent' version='1.5.3000.20120531_1954' profile='Installation Manager' features='agent_core,agent_jre' installFixes='none'/>
Installation Manager might ask you to upgrade the Installation Manager. The 32-bit Installation Manager only can be upgraded by a 32-bit higher version Installation Manager. The 64-bit Installation Manager only can be upgraded by 64-bit higher version Installation Manager. IBM Connections bundles only the 32-bit, version 1.7.1 of Installation Manager. If we need related 64-bit Installation Manager, download it from Installation website separately.
To create a customized version of the default response file, run the installation wizard in interactive mode. See Create a response file. Response files are provided for silent installations on AIX and Linux. On Windows, refer to the topics Install in console mode and Modifying the installation in console mode. ./install --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -log root/mylogs/mylogfile.xml -acceptLicense
Using a response file for the intended deployment, install Connections on multiple systems without needing to interact with the installation wizard.
To perform a silent installation:
cd IM_root/eclipse/tools
./imcl -input response_file -log log_file -acceptLicense
The IM_root/eclipse directory contains a similar file called IBMIM.exe but that file is not suitable for silent installation.
where response_file is the full path and name of the response file and log_file is the full path and name of the log file. The default name of the response file is LC.rsp.
By default, the response file is in...
Compare the following examples to the environment:
./imcl -input <Connections_HOME>/silentResponseFile/LC.rsp -log /mylog/silent_install_log.xml -acceptLicense
Installation Manager writes the result of the installation command to the log file specified with the -log parameter.
If the installation is successful, the log files are empty. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <result> </result>The log file contains an error element if the operation was not completed successfully. A successful installation adds a value of 0 to the log file. An unsuccessful installation adds a positive integer to the log file.The log file for Installation Manager records the values entered when we ran Installation Manager in interactive mode. To review the log file for Installation Manager, open the date_time.xml file, where date_time represents the date and time of the installation. The file by default is in...
- AIX or Linux (root user): /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs
- AIX or Linux (non-root user): user_home/var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs where user_home is the non-root user account directory
To check the complete details of the installation, open each of the log files in the connections_root/logs directory. Each Connections application that you installed has a log file, using the following naming format: applicationInstallog.txt, where application is the name of a Connections application.
What to do next
Complete any applicable post-installation tasks. See Post-installation tasks.
Parent topic:
Install silently
Related reference: