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Use the database wizard in silent mode


To create a response file, run the wizard in standard mode and specify that you would like to create a response file....

Ensure the wizard has created...

DB2 only

(Oracle only) Set the Statement cache size for the data sources on WAS to be no larger than 50. A higher value could lead to Out Of Memory errors on the application server instance.

Before removing (or dropping) a database, stop Connections first to ensure that no database connection is in use; otherwise you will not drop the user and the database removal will not occur.

Create databases in silent mode

  1. (DB2 on Windows 2008 64-bit.) On Windows 2008, perform DB2 administration tasks with full administrator privileges.

    Logged in as the instance owner, open a command prompt and run...

      cd C:\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN.

    This command opens the DB2 command line processor while also setting the DB2 privileges.

  2. Launch the wizard ...

      ./dbWizard.sh -silent /path/to/response_file

  3. After the wizard has finished, check the log file in...


    For example:


Parent topic:
Create databases with the database wizard

Related reference:

The database wizard response file