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Prepare to use the database wizard

  1. Log on to the database host as user root.

  2. Test X Windows by displaying xclock.

    1. Grant display authority to all users, or a subset of users. For example...

        xhost +

    2. Log on as db user, for example...

      • su – db2inst1
      • su – oracle

    3. Set up display environment

        export DISPLAY=hostname:displaynum.screennum
        echo $DISPLAY

      hostname:displaynum.screennum represent...

      • client system
      • monitor number
      • window number

      For example:


    4. Run clock


      If successful, press Ctrl + C to close the clock and return to the command prompt

  3. AIX:The AIX default tar program does not handle path lengths longer than 100 characters. Use the GNU file archiving program, distributed through the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications at the IBM AIX Toolbox web site. Download and install the GNU-compatible TAR package. The RPM Package Manager is already installed as part of AIX.

    After installing gtar, to extract files:

      gtar -xvf Lotus_Connections_wizard_aix.tar

  4. AIX:Download and install the following packages from the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications webpage:

    • gtk2-2.10.6
    • pango-1.14.5
    • fontconfig-2.4.2
    • pkg-config-0.19
    • libjpeg-6b
    • freetype2-2.3.9
    • expat-2.0.1
    • zlib-1.2.3
    • xft-2.1.6
    • xcursor-1.1.7
    • glib-1.2.10
    • glib2-2.12.4
    • atk-1.12.3
    • gettext-0.10.40
    • libpng-1.2.32
    • libtiff-3.8.2

  5. (Oracle) Create a database instance.

  6. (DB2 only) Create a dedicated DB2 database user named lcuser.

  7. Start the database instance:

    Run the database commands under the user account that has administrative access to the database.

    • AIX or Linux:

      • DB2

        Start the current DB2 instance


        See also: DB2: Current instance environment variables

      • Oracle

          sudo su - oracle command
          export ORACLE_SID=orcl
          export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
          cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
          connect as sysdba

    • Windows:

      Windows registers most database instances as a service. We can start or stop a database service manually if necessary.

      • DB2

        1. Log in to the Control Center.

        2. In Object View, right-click the database instance.

        3. In the menu, click Start to start the database manager.

      • Oracle

        Open the Windows Services panel and start the database service.

          Start | All Programs | Administrative Tools | Services | Oracle service (right-click) | Start

      • SQL Server

        1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

        2. Connect the database instance.

        3. Start the database instance from the studio.

  8. Copy the Wizards directory in the Connections installation media to the system hosting the database server.

  9. If we have more instances, exit from the current instance and repeat this step for each instance.

  10. (AIX and Linux) Ensure that users other than root have permission to access the Connections Wizards directory.

Parent topic:
Create databases with the database wizard

Create IBM DB2 databases manually
Use the database wizard
Create a dedicated DB2 user
DB2: Current instance environment variables