Install the Oracle database client for Cognos Transformer
Install the Oracle database client on the computer where you will host IBM Cognos Business Intelligence.
Before installing database client, the database server must be installed and running, and have created the Metrics database, and the Cognos Content Store database.
For troubleshooting information on configuring the Oracle database client for use with Cognos, see the IBM technote, Resolve Oracle connection errors.
- Install the standard 32-bit database client on the server where you will deploy Cognos Business Intelligence. For information see Install Oracle Database Client.
Important: Be sure to install the standard 32-bit client rather than the Instant Client, which is not supported by Cognos. If we installed the 64-bit client, we must uninstall it before installing the 32-bit client.
- Edit the Oracle_client_install_path/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file and add the following TNS settings into the file:
The TNS setting on the Oracle client should look like the example that follows:
Local_tns_name = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = Oracle_database_server_host_name)(PORT = Port)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = Database_service_name) ) )where:
- Local_tns_name is the user -defined TNS alias for the remote Oracle database instance. It needs to match the value of the metrics.db.local setting in the file that will be used during Cognos Business Intelligence installation.
- Oracle_database_server_host_name is the host name of the server hosting the Oracle database server; for example:
- Port is port on which the Oracle database server is listening; typically port 1521.
- Database_service_name is the database service name; for example orcl.
- Verify the client can connect to the Metrics database. In bin folder of oracle_home, run sqlplus [db_user]/[password]@[Local_tns_name]
- db_user is the Metrics db user.
- password is the password of the db_user.
- Local_tns_name is the TNS alias you just created.
If the setting is correct, you will connect the database successfully.
Parent topic:
Install the database client for Cognos Transformer