Uninstall Cognos via the graphical user interface wizard
If the Cognos-Metrics installation does not complete properly, we can uninstall the primary BI server, the secondary BI server, and Transformer using the Cognos installation wizard.
Since there will be some important information in <Cognos Installation Path>, uninstall only removes cognosBI/ and Transformer/ folders under it. To re-install them just after you finish the uninstallation, manually delete the folder <Cognos Installation Path>.
- Launch Installation Manager.
./imcl -c
- Select Uninstall.
- Choose the Cognos package group for uninstall.
=====> Installation Manager> Uninstall Select one package group to uninstall from: 1. [ ] IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.0 2. [ ] IBM Cognos Wizard C. Cancel -----> [C]
- Choose the Cognos package for uninstall.
- On the WAS information panel, start the server1 on Cognos node profile to connect to the node and retrieve node information.
No input is needed to remove Transformer. So if you uninstall Transformer, we can do that directly.
- After validation completes, click Next to go to next panel.
- Click Uninstall, then allow the uninstall process to complete.
- After uninstall completes, check the WAS administrative console of the appropriate system to ensure the following items no longer appear:
- On dmgr, the Cognos application is removed
- On dmgr, there is no Cognos server
- On dmgr, there is no Cognos node
- On dmgr, there is no Cognos cluster
- On the node where Cognos was installed, there is no Cognos application
- On the node where Cognos was installed, there is no Cognos server
- Check whether Metrics-associated scheduled tasks have been removed :
- On Windows: In Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler, MetricsCubeDailyRefresh and MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild do not appear in the Active Tasks list.
- On Unix or Linux: Execute run crontab -l. You should not see either Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh or Cognos_Transformer_install_path/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh.
Parent topic:
Install Cognos using the graphical user interface method