Uninstall Cognos Metrics manually
If the Cognos-Metrics installation does not complete properly, we can uninstall the primary BI server, the secondary BI server, and Transformer manually.
Parent topic:
Install Cognos Metrics
Steps to uninstall
Perform the followings tasks as needed for the appropriate operating system:
For Windows
- Extract the Cognos installation wizard as follows
- Extract the wizard to a directory such as C:/build/IBM_Cognos_Install_Windows on the local server.
- Access the CognosWizard/native folder.
- Extract CognosCommonConfig_windows.zip.
- Copy the following files from the bin folder in CognosCommonConfig_windows.zip to the bin folder in %COGNOS_CONFIG_PATH%:
- cognos-uninstall.bat
- removeCognosCluster.py
- removeCognosServer.py
- uninstallCognosApps.py
- uninstallCognosDMApps.py
- validateDM.py
- Open the cognos-setup.properties file to restore the value for the PASSWORD REMOVED property to the original password unless the passwords were not removed during installation.
- Run the Cognos uninstall command using the following format: For a clustered, federated node, run
>cognos-uninstall.bat -addNode true
If we have not entered information for dmgr and the cluster, the console will prompt for them during the validation. For a stand-alone environment, run
- Wait for the script to complete running.
For Linux and AIX
- Extract Cognos Wizard :
- Extract to a directory on the server, such as /opt/build/IBM_Cognos_Install_Linux.
- Access the CognosWizard/native folder.
- Extract CognosBIConfig_unix.tar.
- Copy the following files from the bin folder in CognosBIConfig_unix.tar to the bin folder in %COGNOS_CONFIG_PATH%:
- cognos-uninstall.bat
- removeCognosCluster.py
- removeCognosServer.py
- uninstallCognosApps.py
- uninstallCognosDMApps.py
- validateDM.py
- Grant permission to cognos-uninstall.sh :
chmod 777 cognos-uninstall.sh
- Restore the PASSWORD REMOVED in cognos-setup.properties to the original password unless the passwords were not removed during installation.
- Run the Cognos uninstall process using the following format: For a federated, clustered node, run
#./cognos-uninstall.sh -addNode=true
If we have not entered information for deployment manager and cluster, the console will prompt for them during the validation. For a stand-alone environment, run
- Wait for the script to complete running.
Post-uninstall check
After completing the uninstall, check the following Cognos-related services no loner appear to verify the uninstall was successful:
- Everything pertaining to Cognos in WebSphere Application Server should be removed.
Check the first point in the WAS administrative console of dmgr and the local node.
- For a federated, clustered node:
- On dmgr, the Cognos application is removed
- On dmgr, there is no Cognos server
- On dmgr, there is no Cognos node
- On dmgr, there is no Cognos cluster
- On the node where Cognos was installed, there is no Cognos application
- On the node where Cognos was installed, there is no Cognos server
- For standalone:
- Cognos application in dmgr console of the node
- Cognos server in dmgr console of the node.
- Cognos BI, Transformer installation folders are deleted.
- Power Cube folder is deleted.
- Scheduled Tasks are removed.
To check that scheduled tasks for Metrics have been removed:
- On Windows: Under Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler ensure that MetricsCubeDailyRefresh and MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild do not appear in the Active Tasks list.
- On AIX or Linux:
- Run #crontab -l in the terminal.
- Ensure that neither %Cognos_Transformer_install_path%/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh nor %Cognos_Transformer_install_path%/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh appear. (%Cognos_Transformer_install_path% is the folder where you installed Transformer.)
After the uninstall of a secondary Cognos BI server, a folder with the name of the other nodes (usually the primary node) still will be in %was_profile_path%/installedApps (for example, %was_profile_path%/installedApps/%primary_node_name%). These files remain because of federation. We can delete them after the uninstallation, however there is no harm in letting them remain and they will not interfere with reinstallation of a secondary BI server.