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Uninstall Cognos Metrics manually

If the Cognos-Metrics installation does not complete properly, we can uninstall the primary BI server, the secondary BI server, and Transformer manually.

Parent topic:
Install Cognos Metrics

Steps to uninstall

Perform the followings tasks as needed for the appropriate operating system:

For Windows

  1. Extract the Cognos installation wizard as follows

    1. Extract the wizard to a directory such as C:/build/IBM_Cognos_Install_Windows on the local server.

    2. Access the CognosWizard/native folder.

    3. Extract CognosCommonConfig_windows.zip.

    4. Copy the following files from the bin folder in CognosCommonConfig_windows.zip to the bin folder in %COGNOS_CONFIG_PATH%:

      • cognos-uninstall.bat

      • removeCognosCluster.py

      • removeCognosServer.py

      • uninstallCognosApps.py

      • uninstallCognosDMApps.py

      • validateDM.py

  2. Open the cognos-setup.properties file to restore the value for the PASSWORD REMOVED property to the original password unless the passwords were not removed during installation.

  3. Run the Cognos uninstall command using the following format: For a clustered, federated node, run

      >cognos-uninstall.bat -addNode true

    If we have not entered information for dmgr and the cluster, the console will prompt for them during the validation. For a stand-alone environment, run


  4. Wait for the script to complete running.

For Linux and AIX

  1. Extract Cognos Wizard :

    1. Extract to a directory on the server, such as /opt/build/IBM_Cognos_Install_Linux.

    2. Access the CognosWizard/native folder.

    3. Extract CognosBIConfig_unix.tar.

    4. Copy the following files from the bin folder in CognosBIConfig_unix.tar to the bin folder in %COGNOS_CONFIG_PATH%:

      • cognos-uninstall.bat

      • removeCognosCluster.py

      • removeCognosServer.py

      • uninstallCognosApps.py

      • uninstallCognosDMApps.py

      • validateDM.py

  2. Grant permission to cognos-uninstall.sh :

      chmod 777 cognos-uninstall.sh

  3. Restore the PASSWORD REMOVED in cognos-setup.properties to the original password unless the passwords were not removed during installation.

  4. Run the Cognos uninstall process using the following format: For a federated, clustered node, run

      #./cognos-uninstall.sh -addNode=true

    If we have not entered information for deployment manager and cluster, the console will prompt for them during the validation. For a stand-alone environment, run


  5. Wait for the script to complete running.

Post-uninstall check

After completing the uninstall, check the following Cognos-related services no loner appear to verify the uninstall was successful:

  1. Everything pertaining to Cognos in WebSphere Application Server should be removed.

    Check the first point in the WAS administrative console of dmgr and the local node.

    • For a federated, clustered node:

      • On dmgr, the Cognos application is removed

      • On dmgr, there is no Cognos server

      • On dmgr, there is no Cognos node

      • On dmgr, there is no Cognos cluster

      • On the node where Cognos was installed, there is no Cognos application

      • On the node where Cognos was installed, there is no Cognos server

    • For standalone:

      • Cognos application in dmgr console of the node

      • Cognos server in dmgr console of the node.

  2. Cognos BI, Transformer installation folders are deleted.

  3. Power Cube folder is deleted.

  4. Scheduled Tasks are removed.

    To check that scheduled tasks for Metrics have been removed:

    • On Windows: Under Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler ensure that MetricsCubeDailyRefresh and MetricsCubeWeeklyRebuild do not appear in the Active Tasks list.

    • On AIX or Linux:

      1. Run #crontab -l in the terminal.

      2. Ensure that neither %Cognos_Transformer_install_path%/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh nor %Cognos_Transformer_install_path%/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh appear. (%Cognos_Transformer_install_path% is the folder where you installed Transformer.)

After the uninstall of a secondary Cognos BI server, a folder with the name of the other nodes (usually the primary node) still will be in %was_profile_path%/installedApps (for example, %was_profile_path%/installedApps/%primary_node_name%). These files remain because of federation. We can delete them after the uninstallation, however there is no harm in letting them remain and they will not interfere with reinstallation of a secondary BI server.