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Configure FileNet Collaboration Services to support changes to Connections Content Manager


..and set...

Set the base URL used to address FileNet Collaboration Services, for example...

  • fncsServerURL=http://myco.com
  • fncsServerURLSecure=https://myco.com

    Set the icURI property to the base URL used to address IBM Connections, for example...


    These values might need to be changed if you have configured a security proxy such as Tivoli Access Manager, which changes the URL or hostname that end users use to access your deployment compared to the HTTP server. With Connections Content Manager and a new FileNet deployment, these configuration options are available in...


    For an existing FileNet installation, refer to the FileNet Collaboration Services Information Center.

    Reconfigure FNCS embedded with a new installation of FileNet from Connections Content Manager

    1. Start the FileNet Collaboration Services Configuration Manager...

    2. Click OK to use the configuration manager.

    3. Ensure the following prerequisites are satisfied and then click Next:

      1. Content Platform Engine is installed and running

      2. Application servers are configured.

      3. Single signon is enabled.

      4. Configuration sheet for FileNet Collaboration Services is populated with values for the environment.

    4. Enter the Content Platform Engine (CPE) information...

      1. Port number for the CPE URL...


        To determine, from the dmgr console that manages the server where the CPE application is running, review...

          cpe_server | servername | Communications | Ports | BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS

      2. Name of the object store the FNCS application references

      3. Clear "Test the connection to the Content Platform Engine" and then click Next.

      The iiop URL is used during installation and configuration but is not used during program execution. When using the Connections installation program to install FileNet, an instruction is added as a JVM:


      This instruction directs FileNet to use a local EJB always instead of using a remote EJB located through iiop when we connect between FileNet Collaboration Services and the FileNet Content Engine. If we deploy FileNet Collaboration Services to a cluster, make sure that this JVM argument exists on all cluster members.

    5. Select None for the Web client application or select the web client application to use to view the documents and supply the appropriate details, and then click Next.

    6. Enter the Connections HTTP URL and then click Next. If we the HTTP server is configured tto handle web requests for Connections, then enter its URL here.

    7. Select the version and location of WAS to deploy the FNCS application, and then click Next.

    8. Specify the WAS profile information used to deploy the FNCS application, supply the administrator credentials, and then click Next.

      If we are redeploying the FNCS application, then choose the same profile the application is already deployed on.

      If the FileNet is deployed by Connections, choose the profile of dmgr.

    9. Select whether to deploy the FNCS application on a single application server or in a cluster.

      If we are redeploying the application, choose the same option the application is already been deployed on, and then click Next. The cluster or single server must already be created.

    10. Select the cluster name (or server name, if you chose the single application server option in the previous step) to deploy IBM FNCS application.

      Choose the same cluster name (or server name) where the application is already deployed to if we are redeploying the application. Click Next.

    11. If we already changed the name of the IBM FNCS application, then change it now to that same name.

      If Filenet is already installed by Connections, the default application name is FNCS (If we update it to fix pack 1, verify the application's name appears as FNCS in UPPERCASE). Click Next.

    12. Review the information entered to ensure accuracy, and then click Next.

    13. When the Deployed successfully summary panel displays, click Done to complete the configuration of the FileNet Collaboration Services.

    14. From the dmgr console, synchronize...

        System Administration | Nodes | check box | Full Resynchronize

    15. Install the authentication filter code.

      1. In dmgr console, navigate to...

          WebSphere Enterprise Applications | FileNet Collaboration Services | Update | Replace, add, or delete multiple files

      2. Select local file system if we are running the browser on the dmgr node, and then locate the auth_filter_patch.zip file in...

        If the browser is not running on the dmgr node, then select remote file system, and choose the dmgr file system, locating the auth_filter_patch.zip file in the directory previously stated.

      3. Click Next and OK to update the application.

      The authentication filter must be reinstalled every time FNCS is reconfigured.

    16. Reset the OAuthClient security role to user/group mapping.

        WebSphere Enterprise Applications | FNCS application (fncs) Detail Properties | Security role to user/group mapping | OAuthClient | Map Special Subjects | All Authenticated in Application's Realm | OK | Save

      Reset the OAuthClient mapping every time FNCS is reconfigured.

    17. Restart the FileNet Collaboration Services (FNCS) application


    A summary supplies suggestions of how to confirm the service is up and running.

    Parent topic:
    Configure the FileNet deployment used by Libraries