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Install Cognos with the installation wizard in console mode

Use the IBM Cognos installation wizard to install a Cognos cluster, with either one node or multiple nodes.

Refer to Deploying a Cognos cluster to set up a Cognos cluster environment with multiple nodes installed.

  1. Complete the following tasks before starting the IBM Cognos installation:

    1. Prepare the Cognos database server on one host, and install the database client for Cognos Transformer on the host where you install Cognos.

    2. Install required OS patches on the Cognos BI Server system. Any required patches must be installed before you attempt to deploy the Cognos server.

    3. Run to preload libraries needed for the setup scripts:

      • (RedHat Linux 6 64-bit systems) Run to preload libraries needed for the setup scripts:

          export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libfreebl3.so

      • ( zLinux systems) Create a symbolic link to the libXm.so.3 package :

          ln -s /usr/lib/libXm.so.4 /usr/lib/libXm.so.3

    4. Install Connections on dmgr and when choosing to install the Metrics application in the Cognos configuration panel, select the do later option.

    5. Enable debug mode of the Cognos installation operation :

      • For root user to run the Cognos Wizard, go to /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs and create log.properties file. Add the following information to the file:
        This property setting prevents the automatic rollback of the wizard and provides adequate time to collect log in case of error.

      • If we are running installation as a nonroot user, create the log.properties file under /home/<nonroot user>/ibm/InstallationManager/logs.

  2. Prepare the installer for Cognos installation :

    • For Windows, use IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server, 64-bit 10.1.1 Windows Multilingual, and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Transformer 10.1.1 Windows Multilingual.

    • For IBM AIX , use IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server, 64-bit, 10.1.1 AIX Multilingual and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Transformer 10.1.1 AIX Multilingual.

    • For Linux, use IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server, 64-bit, 10.1.1 Linux x86 Multilingual and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Transformer 10.1.1 Linux x86 Multilingual.

    • For .zLinux (System z ), use IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server, 64-bit, 10.1.1 Linux on System z Multilingual (CI5W5ML) and IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Transformer 10.1.1 Linux on System z Multilingual (CI2QHML).

  3. Run to start server1 of the WAS profile you created in early step, such as:

    • On AIX and Linux:

        /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/startServer.sh server1

    • On Windows

        C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\bin\startServer.bat server1

    Make sure the time difference between the Cognos node and dmgr is within 5 minutes and the dmgr and Cognos nodes (both primary node and secondary nodes) can see each other.

  4. Extract the Cognos installation program to the local server.

    • Go into IBM_Cognos_Install_Linux/IM/linux.

    • Start install.console.sh. The following interface should appear. If the Installation Manager is version 1.5.3, IM will not show or be installed.

    =====> Installation Manager> Install 
    Select packages to install:
           1. [X] Installation Manager 1.7.1
           2. [X] Cognos Wizard
           O. Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions 
           N. Next,    C. Cancel 
    -----> [N] 

  5. Choose the install location for Cognos. If we choose to install Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) server, it will be installed under <install location>/CognosBI. If we choose to install Transformer, it will be installed under <install location>/Transformer.
    =====> Installation Manager> Install> Location 
     New package group:
               IBM Cognos Wizard_2
     Incompatible existing package groups:
            1. IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.0
     Selected group id: "IBM Cognos Wizard"
     Selected location: "/opt/IBM/Cognos"
            M. Change Location 
            B. Back,    N. Next,    C. Cancel  -----> [N]

  6. Choose which feature to install. We cannot install the primary BI server and the secondary BI server at the same time. To install the primary BI server and secondary BI server on to the same machine, choose Install instead of Modify to install secondary BI server. We can install BI server and Transformer at the same time.
    =====> Installation Manager> Install> Location> Features 
     Cognos Wizard         1. [ ] Primary BI Server         2. [ ] Secondary BI Server         3. [ ] Transformer 
            B. Back,    C. Cancel  -----> [C]
    The WebSphere Application Server information panel will not show if you only choose to install Transformer.

  7. Enter information for the local node and dmgr on the WAS information panel. We need to start server1 on the node profile to verify the installation process can retrieve node information. The node soap port is detected, but check that it is correct and modify it if incorrect. We can type P at any time to return to the previous input in this panel.
    Common Configurations > Local Node Information 
     WAS Installation location:
     Local node profile:
      1. AppSrv01
     Enter a number from the list above to make a choice.
     Note: Select a node profile by entering its number from the list above.
     Local node profile:
     Host name:
     ===== Local Node Credentials =====
     These credentials must exist for the selected Profile.
     Administrator user ID:
     Administrator password:
     Local Node SOAP port number  ----->[8881]
     Common Configurations > dmgr Information 
     ===== dmgr Information =====
     These credentials must exist for the selected Profile.
     Host name:
     SOAP port number:
     Administrator user ID:
     Administrator password:
     Press 'Enter' to start validation  Validate...
     Retrieving SSL certificate......
     SSLCertificateGetter successfully  Validating WebSphere Application Server settings......
     Getting dmgr information......
     Verifying local node connections......
     Validation successful.
     Enter 'N' to go to next panel or enter 'B' to go back to top  ----->[N]
    The Topology panel will not show if you choose to install Transformer only.

  8. Enter the topology information for Cognos on the Topology panel. Use a new cluster name for the primary BI server, an existing cluster for the secondary BI server. Server name needs to be different across the cell. EnterP at any time to return to the previous input.
    Common Configurations > Cognos Topology 
     Input cluster name :
     Input server name :
     **** The context root should keep same on primary and seconary installation. ****
     Web context root:

    Web context root should be same across all BI nodes.

  9. Complete the Database information panel.

    If we install on a different machine, verify the jdbc driver location is different from Connections for Oracle. Cognos database information needs to be completed for the BI server. Metrics database information needs to be completed for Transformer.

    Pay special attention to the description of Metrics local database name, because they differ according to database type. Enter P at any time to return to the previous input.

    Common Configurations > Database Configuration 
     ===== Database Type =====
     Database type:
      1. DB2 Universal Database(TM)
      2. Oracle Enterprise Edition   3. SQL Server Enterprise Edition  Enter a number from the list above to make a choice.
     ===== Database Server =====
     JDBC driver location:
     ===== Application: Metrics =====
     Database Name  ----->[METRICS]
     Host Name  ----->lc110.myco.com
     Port  ----->[50000]
     User ID  ----->[LCUSER]
     Password  ----->passw0rd
     ===== The local database name is used by the database client on the Transformer server to reference the Metrics database. =====
     ===== For DB2, this is the Metrics database local catalog alias name. =====
     ===== If the Cognos Transformer is on AIX/Linux, this is the ODBC data source name in the odbc.ini file. =====
     Metrics local database name :
     ===== Application: Cognos =====
     Database Name  ----->[COGNOS]
     Host Name  ----->lc110.myco.com
     Port  ----->[50000]
     User ID  ----->[LCUSER]
     Password  ----->passw0rd
     Start validation......
     Validating METRICS database ......
     Validating COGNOS database ......
     Validation successful....
     Enter 'N' to go to next panel, enter 'V' to revalidate DB, or enter 'B' to go back to top  ----->[N]

  10. Complete the Cognos BI Location panel, which only shows if you choose to install the primary BI server or the secondary BI server. Power Cube location must be on a shared file system, and must be the same for the primary BI server, the secondary BI server and the Transformer. Enter P at any time to return to the previous input.
    Common Configurations > Cognos Credentials
     ===== Enter credential details for the Cognos administrator. =====
     Administrator user Id (Please ensure it is a LDAP user and has a correct password. This user name should keep same for Primary, Seconary and Transformer installation.)
     ----->Amy Jones10
     Administrator password  ----->jones10
     Common Configurations > Installers Location 
     ===== BI Server Installer Location:  =====
     Examples: /opt/BI/linuxi38664h/issetup
     Please input the location of Cognos BI Server installer:
     ===== PowerCube Location:  =====
     Examples: /opt/IBM/Cognos/PowerCubes
     Please input the locaton of Power Cube:
     Enter 'N' to go to next panel, or enter 'B' to go back to top----->[N]

  11. Complete the Cognos Transformer location panel, which only shows if you choose to install Transformer.

    • Credential details for the Cognos administrator are needed only when only Transformer has been chosen to install.

    • The BI server URI shows only when Transformer has been chosen to install or the secondary BI server and Transformer have been chosen to install. In the latter case enter the URI of the primary BI server.

    • The Power Cube location is needed only if only Transformer is selected for installation.

    • Enter P at any time to return to the previous input.

    Common Configurations > Cognos Transformer Configuration 
    Common Configurations > Cognos Credentials
     ===== Enter credential details for the Cognos administrator. =====
     Administrator user Id (Please ensure it is a LDAP user and has a correct passwor  d. This user name should keep same for Primary, Seconary and Transformer install  ation.)
     ----->Amy Jones10
     Administrator password  ----->jones10
     BI server URI (example: http://<your_hostname>:<port>/<bi_context_root>)
     Cognos BI URL is valid 
     ===== Transformer Installer Location:  =====
     Examples: /opt/Transformer/linuxi38632/issetup
     Please input the installer locaton for Cognos Transformer:
     ===== PowerCube Location:  =====
     Examples: /opt/IBM/Cognos/PowerCubes
     Please input the locaton for Power Cube generation:
     Enter 'N' to go to next panel, or enter 'B' to go back to top  ----->[N]

  12. Complete the Cognos mapping user panel, which shows if the primary BI server is selected for installation.

    • Enter P at any time to return to the previous input.

    Common Configurations > Grant Access to Metrics 
     Please choose whether to add user/group map to the metrics-report-run r
     ole or later :
      1. Add the user/group now.
      2. Do it later  Enter a number from the list above to make a choice.
     Please input the LDAP user names to map the metrics-report-run or community-metr
     ics-run role. Keep blank here will skip and clear the current user name mapping.
     (The user names should be separated by symbol '|',  eg. user1|user2|user3) :
     ----->Amy Jones10|Amy Jones11
     Please input the LDAP group names to map the metrics-report-run or community-met
     rics-run role. Keep blank here will skip and clear the current group name mappin  g.
     (The user names should be separated by symbol '|',  eg. group1|group2|group3) :
     ----->Amy Jones 
     Enter 'N' to go to next panel, or enter 'B' to go back to top  ----->[N]

  13. Enter I to install.

    After starting the Cognos server, wait at least five minutes before opening the Content Manager's URL.

  14. After installation, check the status of Content Manager at the path <Install location>/CognosBI/configuration/cogstartup.xml, and search for contentManagers. When accessing the URL we see the IBM Cognos Content Manager status response page. It should indicate the current Content Manager's state is "Running":

    On the secondary BI server, the Cognos service cannot be started out of the box. Configure Content Manager first.

    1. Check the Content Manager URL from cogstartup.xml, and add the secondary BI server Content Manager URL to the cogstartup.xml of the primary BI server.

    2. Add the primary BI server Content Manager URL to the secondary BI server. It needs to be in the following sequence:

      1. Primary BI server Content Manager URL as the first node

      2. The first secondary BI Server Content Manager URL.

      3. Follow the same sequence for each secondary BI server.

      This process needs to be done after the installation of each secondary BI server. For example:

      <crn:parameter name="contentManagers" opaque="true">
           <crn:value xsi:type="cfg:array">
             <crn:item xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">http://cognos1.myco.com:9082/cognos/servlet</crn:item>
             <crn:item xsi:type="xsd:anyURI">http://cognos2.myco.com:9086/cognos/servlet</crn:item>
      We need to restart the Cognos server after changing cogstartup.xml

  15. If Connections, and BI are installed on a different server, configure SSO via the WAS administrative console as follows

    1. Navigate to Global Security > Single Sign-on (SSO) > General Properties

    2. Select the Enabled option.

    3. Enter the Domain name.

    4. Select the Web inbound security attribute propagation option.

    5. Select the Set security cookies to HTTPOnly to help prevent cross-site scripting attacks option.

    6. Click Apply to save the updates.

    7. Restart the dmgr.

What to do next

After installation, two signons (Cognos administrator signon and Metrics database signon) will be set into the Powercube model files on the Cognos Transformer server. They will be used for PowerCube generation. If change these two signons after the installation:

  1. Update the cognos-setup.properties file with the new signon information,

  2. also fill the passwords which are removed after installation.

  3. Run transformer-logon-set.bat|sh, which is located in the Cognos Install directory. The script needs the Cognos BI server URL as a parameter. We need to pass it in at run time by including it on the command line as shown:

      transformer-logon-set.bat|sh -cognos.server.url=http(s)://<cognos_bi_server_doamin>:<cognos_bi_server_port>/<cognos_bi_server_contextroot>

  4. Output from this operation is stored in the /[CognosInstall]/transformer-logon-set.log file. If we encounter an error when running the script, correct the error and run the script again.

  5. If we set the flag removePassword=false instead of accepting the default value of true, then passwords will not be removed and we can just continue to run the next command.


  1. Switching on debug mode in the installation wizard
  2. Uninstall Cognos via the console mode installation wizard

Parent topic:
Install Cognos Metrics